piektdiena, 2011. gada 22. aprīlis

Ammas 54.stunda

Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.

Let us talk more about the illusion called fear.
Parunāsim vairāk par ilūziju, ko sauc par bailēm.

You do know that fear is not real, don't you?
Tu taču zini, ka bailes nav reālas, vai ne?

There is only one energy and that is Love. There is only one
emotion and that is Joy.
Ir tikai viena enerģija un tā ir Mīlestība. Ir tikai viena emocija un tā ir Prieks.
Fear is not-love ... it is not-joy.
Bailes ir ne-mīlestība... tās ir ne- prieks.

The energies currently coming into the world are cleansing. When
you clean, you scrub off that which you do not want.
Tās enerģijas, kas tagad ienāk mūsu pasaulē ir attīrošas. Kad tīri, tu noberz visu nevēlamo.

For a while, it seems that which you no longer want is what you see
and feel most of the time.
Vai nav tā, ka to ko tu vismazāk gribi, to redzi un jūti visvairāk.

To stay steady and keep from being buffeted by all that is being
cleansed, you need to stay in your Heart Source.  Practice being in
your Heart Source when something that brings fear comes into your
Lai paliktu stabils un neietekmētos no visa, kas tiek attīrīts, tev nepieciešams palikt savā Sirds Avotā. Vingrinies būt savā Sirds Avotā tad, kad bailes ienāk tavā apziņā.

Learn to stay in your Heart Source with little fears, little
discomforts. You will then be prepared to stay in your Heart Source
when something major happens.
Mācies palikt savā Sirds Avotā ar sīkām bailītēm, maziem diskomfortiem. Tad būsi sagatavots atrasties Sirds Avotā arī tad, kad notiks kaut kas svarīgāks.

When in your Heart Source, you will be aware of options, of what
you can do, what you need to avoid.
Kad esi Sirds Avotā, vienmēr zināsi iespējamās rīcības variantus un zināsi arī to no kā jāizvairās.

By staying in your Heart Source, you will be able to use the whole
of your heart-brain.
Paliekot Sirds Avotā, spēsi pilnībā lietot sirdi-smadzenes.

Practice, again, being in your Heart Source with a fear. While in
your Heart Source, bring a fear to mind. As much as possible, get
in touch with your fear.
Atkal vingrinies ar bailēm Sirds Avotā. Atrodoties Sirds Avotā, ielaid savā prātā bailes. Cik daudz vien vari, saskaries ar bailēm.

While in the Heart Source, hold your fear in mind until you feel it
Esot Sirds Avotā, turi savā prātā bailes līdz jūti tās izšķīstam.

Practice this as often as you can.
Vingrinies šādi cik bieži vien spēj.

Until tomorrow,...
Līdz rītdienai,...

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Cathy Chapman