svētdiena, 2017. gada 5. februāris

Jupiter Retrograde 2017 Unexpected Luck

Jupiter Retrograde 2017 begins on 6 February 2017 at 23° Libra, and stations direct on 9 June 2017 at 13° Libra. I will talk about each phase of Jupiter retrograde 2017 including when Jupiter enters and leaves the retrograde zone. Before that however, you will find a brief description of what it means to have Jupiter retrograde in the natal chart followed by the general meaning of Jupiter retrograde in transit.
Overall, Jupiter retrograde 2017 is very promising for achieving growth and happiness in a particular area of life that is important to you now. Unexpected good fortune is at hand with work, travel, education or a new relationship. Whatever your hopes for the future may be, this years Jupiter retrograde is an opportunity to make great leaps towards living out your dreams.
If your goals are unrealistic, deceitful or greedy then the Jupiter direct phase from June to September 2017 may result in disappointment and loss. Even if you are travelling on the right path at this stage, you will be reminded how important it is to be happy and content with what you have. Jupiter retrograde 2017 requires introspection and an awareness that inner, spiritual growth is necessary for your hopes and dreams to materialize.

Jupiter Retrograde Meaning

Jupiter retrograde in the natal chart means that there was a problem in achieving goodness of the soul a previous life. This certainly does not indicate a bad soul, but that there will be some lessons or extra effort required this life in order to achieve goodness of the soul, to be genuinely happy and content.
Jupiter retrograde by position and aspect shows the areas of life, or the personality traits and behaviors, which specifically require extra development. The optimum Jupiter nature is broad-minded, happy, comfortable and content. A healthy Jupiter is continually growing and expanding in philosophical and spiritual outlook. The aim is to be charitable, generous, friendly and welcoming to all people, regardless of social status, religion, cultural or ethnic background.
Jupiter retrograde in the chart could show as greed, selfishness, gluttony, extravagance, wastefulness or self-righteousness. Addiction, intolerance, bigotry, ignorance or showing off may be holding you back. Whatever is stunting your personal and spiritual growth is what Jupiter retrograde focuses on. This could well have been an ongoing problem hindering success over many incarnations. Events or relationships will keep reinforcing the problem area this life, especially during Jupiter retrograde phases.
Jupiter retrograde in transit is a regular cycle occurring every 13 months and lasting for about 4 months. Transiting Jupiter retrograde represents a time of philosophical or spiritual introspection and reflection. During the previous months since Jupiter entered the retrograde zone, you will have been dealing with particular issues involving growth and development, happiness and success.
Jupiter retrograde means that whatever area of growth you have been developing is so important, that extra time is needed to take stock and make sure everything in order before you continue. You may be tested to make sure you are ready to receive the good fortune, new romance, or increased wealth you seek.
On the other hand, it could be that a negative Jupiter behavior such as greed or addiction has been getting out of control. In this case, the Jupiter retrograde months will offer a chance to recognize and admit the problem. Things may get so out of control that an intervention or some drastic event must occur in order to shake you out of your complacency or ignorance.
By the time Jupiter stations direct, you should have come to terms with the relevant issues and be prepared for the next phase. In the third and final Jupiter retrograde phase, from the direct station until Jupiter leaves the retrograde zone, positive growth and development lets you bound ahead toward ultimate success and happiness.

Jupiter Retrograde 2017

10 November 2016 Jupiter enters shadow zone at 13°12′ Libra
From now until when Jupiter stations retrograde is called the first shadow period. During this phase you will get an idea of the personal growth and happiness issues that may be of concern during the retrograde phase. [See Chart]
Jupiter square Pluto dramatically increases your desire to succeed but also indicates a tendency to go to any lengths to get there. Avoid ruthless tactics, greed and compulsive behavior. Jupiter sextile Saturn helps counter the extreme and intense nature of  Jupiter square Pluto. It helps you focus on your objectives with patience and determination.
6 February 2017 Jupiter stations retrograde at 23°08′ Libra
The Jupiter retrograde 2017 chart below clearly shows a right-angled triangle formed by Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Overall, this is a positive configuration with the two harmonious blue aspects turning the challenges of the red opposition into opportunities for success.
Fixed star Spica 24°04′ Libra greatly increases your chance of success during the Jupiter retrograde phase. Here we have the most fortunate planet on the most fortunate of all fixed stars. This alpha star of the Virgin gives wealth, success, happiness and love. Spica conjunct Jupiter in particular assists in spiritual development and psychic awareness. It offers protection, advancement and the possibility of wealth to even the poorest of people.
Jupiter Retrograde 2017
Jupiter Retrograde February 2017
Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. A sudden event may release your built up tension and lead to a major change in circumstances. You can find adventure and personal growth through travel, education and new relationships while still maintaining certain core responsibilities in your life.
You can find creative and ingenious ways to relieve the boredom without causing total chaos and disruption. Though technically a challenging transit, the relief from stress and tension can be very satisfying. A change in beliefs or social interaction may be all it takes to act as a circuit breaker. At the deeper level you are seeking a burst of higher awareness, to transcend your daily routine and bring on a spiritual growth spurt.
Jupiter sextile Saturn slows the speed of any change and reduces the shock value. You can rely on sound judgement skills to only chose those opportunities that are right for you. These opportunities may be in your career, through investment or business deals, or in your personal life as major material possessions or relationship choices. Patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic ensure your gains will be enduring and substantial.
Saturn trine Uranus also makes any growth spurts more lasting. It makes the changes in your life run more smoothly. Change will not be as upsetting or erratic as Jupiter opposite Uranus alone would bring. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat. You could take the lead in your career to initiate needed changes and gain respect and recognition from your boss.
9 June 2017 Jupiter stations direct at 13°12′ Libra
This second shadow period lasts until Jupiter leaves the retrograde zone on 9 September 2017. Areas of life that were a major focus during the Jupiter retrograde phase can now be worked on.
Fixed star Algorab at 13°41′ Libra suggests this phase will be more challenging than the retrograde phase. Greed in particular is more likely now. If the retrograde phase did not bring the success you had hoped then you may become bitter and jealous of other people’s success. You may try to make up for missed opportunities by lying, stealing, or picking over the scraps left behind by others.
Jupiter Retrograde 2017
Jupiter Direct June 2017
Jupiter quincunx Neptune supports the fixed star theme. If you dreams of success have not been realised by this stage then you may become bitter and disappointed. You may look to get ahead through ‘get rich quick schemes’ or gambling. Reeling from your dissolution and broken dreams you may seek to escape harsh reality of your situation by turning to drugs or alcohol.
If things have not worked out as you had hoped then it is important to remember that Jupiter retrograde 2017 is more about inner spiritual growth in preparation for material success like wealth or happiness in love. It may be time to adjust your dreams for the future and aim to be happy and content with what you have before chasing more and more. If you cannot find inner happiness now, it will be difficult to find contentment with more stuff filling up your house.
9 September 2017 Jupiter leaves the shadow zone at 23°08′ Libra
This completes the final phase of Jupiter retrograde 2017. [See Chart]. The outlook is extremely positive after that questionable shadow direct phase. The glorious fixed star Spica again brings out the best of Jupiter good fortune and happiness.
The North Node of the Moon connects with Jupiter sextile Saturn to place your firmly on your destined path toward true happiness in your soul. Relationships with your family and partner are integral in facilitating your continued success with those areas of growth and development you have been focused on this past ten months.