otrdiena, 2017. gada 3. janvāris

**Collective Emotional Purification**

**Collective Emotional Purification**
We all felt the high energy of last New Moon and NOW the mind is starting to interpret the codes much better. There is a massive collective energy releasing as you could feel that all the old energy patterns are coming up for our review. The intense energies are bringing all the emotions come up to the surface.

No matter what your level of understanding and perceiving is.. the more you realize your own level and purge further with connecting your heart solidly in each attempt, you will see your own reflection coming closer. What is hiding you, keeping you away from your own oneness connection will come up to the surface therefore you will touch, feel and see that you are identified with your mind and it is keeping in the loop of its own unawareness. If this happens to people who are just waking up, they can start to look for reasons to stay in the old patterns by attacking you or draining your energy to keep(trying to) you in the low frequency. Once the layers are thinning and more you are aware of the shifts and uploads you will face with this emotional and mental clarifying and purifying to match to your new updated self. Assimilation can take as much as we need to recognize the layers.

This New Moon and the angles of the Leo(self, heart) energy in flux guide the heart connection with the self move up to a higher level of understanding. Although many people are just starting to feel the difference and panicking... as we all have been there and know how hard it could be. So be aware of the massive collective leftover emotions of old patterns: grief, guilt, shame, hate, strong ego attachments, etc being in the air. Imagine the old emotions are coming up for a review and to be released so the process can take the further level. So many of us can feel the energies because we are becoming more sensitive but it is essential to be vigilant and neutral to stay in your own healthy energy zone. Because the old energies could retreat what has left within as well. Even though this is needed for us to see the leftover stuff within, drama, fight, ego battles and unconscious mind games are not healthy when we are so deeply anchoring the self to the heart and to the tunes of the cosmic waves. This creates many static and thoughts viruses easily enter into our energy fields if we are not protecting our own energy field, especially if we are so open and not really a master of self boundaries and self respect.

Many people could attack you without really knowing why because of how intense the inner shift for them to see how the ego/mind has been making them do and feel. You might have to hold an extra caution shields over you thought process where you might see yourself upset and heavy for no reason just because you are connected to the energy fields around you. Be careful how dangerous it could get when you are working on your chakras, listening to the channelings and meditate. (They can stay on your system like a virus around your aura).. You will catch many webs of energy waves where you could recognize the difference in time but if you start feeling all tons of energy waves and making you sick or low in energy,.. that's the sign. Stay away from others awakening process where they are just meeting there huge walls of old thought patterns and their first time hitting wall of the mind. You can still hold a light for them by being a neutral energy transmitter.

You are not responsible of anybody's not getting it right at the first moment and keeping you their guinea pig. Many people are just experiencing their inner spasms and how they are stuck with the mind. You don't have to hold a mirror by keeping yourself vulnerable if you don't want to repeat the old victim self. You will feel when you need to cross the line with people who are taking you to their own low frequent thought patterns and habits. Stay away from people being so stuck in their mind where you are shining a light for them and they can just treat you like your light is so bothering them because they are so seeing whats been in the dark as their shadow. Again, staying neutral is a golden key where we learn to stay on top of our own energy level and mastery. Be aware of the massive heavy leftover low energies will try to get us back into the "feeling of stuck and powerless" energy levels. You don't have to repeat the loops of the mind where you catch so much higher and lighter stage.

Watch how you used to hold the mother, victim, powerless (especially females -abused feminine energies), martyr, wounded angel etc.These won't match with your new aligned self and will start to bother you where you stay longer in your neutral heart connected and constantly staying in NOW self.

If you feel so much electricity and tension in the air, please work on your purifying the energies mindset and spray those calming, balancing and transmuting energy around you because you are so needed. Even though just staying in your pure neutral zone will do the work naturally. You don't have to respond to the low frequency. Without you participating and feeding the energy to it, it doesn't have any power over you. Stay in the light. Fully focus on your inner work.

Sending you all so much love and hugs in light,