svētdiena, 2017. gada 15. janvāris

3.janv2017 - **Intense Shifts & End Of Cycles**

**Intense Shifts & End Of Cycles**
(Energy Report)


Many people and connections might disappear all of a sudden or you might not see them as they are not even there. Cycles are changing as fast as our consciousness can pick up the pace. And make it faster for us to release the old patterns, catch our realignment and push out what is no longer valid for us to adapt as an energy module to stand on. Many of us are doing something very new, (even talking about these are very weird for many of you, still) and our mind can be distracted with how people judge us of what we do.(Feeling the intense shifts all the time)...How others see you can be too much at the moment when you are connecting to your higher heart space. 

I would suggest;
to eliminate people around you there are judgmental. If they occupy your connection and if they bother you in your mind.

Stay distant, and declare your own freedom from your own self by keeping people at your web the only ones whom they can relate or understand what you are going through.

If you don't have the same understanding and mutual consciousness level; they are not your en-joy-ment, they are your lessons.

So you can simply stay neutral enough to learn how not to get affected by others and shine your light by becoming un-fearful high energy portal, and release all the sabotaging patterns from within. Or you will stay as a victim, and a constant reactor (getting irritated all the time). If you are feeling like you are getting shocked by your surrounding a lot (you might feel too sensitive to be around them); that is also a sign to focus on your heart space and drop the mind control.

We seem like dropping the dependency gaming with each other with these new energies; so needing people is such a old pattern where it was keeping us dependent.

We used to need to find someone to play(to create together) with by coming together at the same felt pain or something familiar to relate with. (Finding a mutual pain body to relate with). Now we are taking responsible of our own energy field and let everyone has their own game or rules, or whatever. Because we are upgrading our system to release the dependency game which keeps us responsible of our mutual happiness. Where we lose our sense of self feeling guilty if we choose pleasure over pain. That is the inter-dependency we all share and drown each other with. Let people do what they want to do. Judging the self and judging the other are very same thing like two sides of the same coin. You judge the self, you judge others, others judge you because they judge themselves. 

You don't have to play dependent child or ready to be wounded child at any given challenge.

Keep your observing mode on and stay neutral to connect to your zero point where everything is at ONE energy field within. Mind will focus on others and it will change shifts to trick you to stay reactive. Even you stay long enough as a neutral heart space, it will find something wrong at the other. And others or what others do is its favored subject to stay reactive, victimized, and dualistic. So stay aware of your highs and lows if you get lost in the speed of process. Anything you do as old patterns will be more obvious so you can release to get ready for new codes.

Unplug the self from the "others" channeling, because you might get more sensitive and with your speed of thinking process; you might see yourself creating drama just because you seem to read people easily now.

Your intuition will be high but your imagination is high, as well.

Stay at simple place focused on your own energy field where you are aware of what you need only, not what others need so you can fulfill the dependent child role to each other. When it comes to connecting with people whom they are lost in the mind, addicted to thinking and playing mind games. Or whomever is not aware of the mind's tricks. They will only trigger the very same thing you already have within that you want to release. You are not responsible of anyone's higher understanding or comprehension level as well. Do what is best for you, first. What you believe is right and what you feel is necessary for your staying on track of your "own" alignment. 

Remember, when you are aligned within, you let everyone get aligned around you, as well
. Just like a decoder, you decode the imbalance codes and bring them unto a higher mode of itself. So they can pick up from your web of oneness that you emanate & connected from within. Just like a radio channel that you tune in, they tune in with you. 

Keep your higher awareness and observer mode on. And stay fluid and in the flow as much as possible. If you see many repeated lessons, just stay neutral and do your best to pass them so you can release more of the old patterns faster. Upgrading and aligning.....keep it moving forward!

You are on a roll!!