piektdiena, 2016. gada 2. decembris

December 1st, 2016: Progress


Chiron direct: 20 degrees Pisces
  • Mars in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Libra: 17 degrees
  • Vesta Rx: 5 degrees Leo
  • When the Wounded Healer stations direct, it's time to stop revisiting the old hurts. Chiron has been Rx since June 27th, 2016 (at 25 degrees Pisces). 20 to 25 degrees of the Mutable signs experienced pressure on the weak spot. When Chiron changes direction, it can temporarily increase the pain. But this time, it should be about a final release. Progress through the awkward situation, so you can dissolve anything that's been delaying the healing. 
    Mars/Jupiter is here to help, with a nice connection between action and expansion. The right move shouldn't be difficult at all - it should just happen, and lightness of the Air signs keeps things detached enough that you float right past what used to bother you. Mars/Jupiter also encourages a leap (Mars) of faith (Jupiter), and the freedom to do things your way. Check out what's new and intriguing, while you're at it. 
    Vesta in Leo is not moving forward, but I don't think her Rx will significantly delay any progress. The flame will burn more brightly, as she reverses in order to concentrate more fully on a special purpose. Watch for enhanced focus/concentration on what matters. Or, intensified fixation on a creation.