trešdiena, 2016. gada 9. novembris

The Divine Solar Feminine And Ascension

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The divine solar feminine energies channel to us through the Pleiades star system and Venus. This pathway was chosen by the creator for a very specific reason.
It’s happening. We rapidly approach the end of a major cycle of fear and separation. We also enter a new cycle of peace and harmony.
Many thousands of emissaries of light, now in position around the globe, are ready to anchor the next influx of high frequency light. This will reach us in waves from the great central sun between now and 2018.
These upcoming waves of light are being channeled to us through the divine solar feminine aspect of the 12th dimensional golden ray. Its mission is to balance and unify us, within and without. Thus, it brings us into alignment with universal law and divine order.

Development of the Solar Feminine

Outside the central still point of creation, the universe is always seeking to find balance. Opposites make up the realm of duality. There is light/dark, male/female, increase/decrease, yin/yang. The sun (traditionally all masculine) and moon (traditionally all feminine) have been considered opposites too. However, in reality this is a gross oversimplification and one that has caused the energies of the masculine and feminine to become disqualified throughout the dark ages.
For many thousands of years, as we passed through a cycle of separation from wholeness, the earth’s energetic polarity has been tipped in favor of the masculine. For most of this time the feminine has been undervalued, ignored and in many cases even demonized.
The feminine has been associated with the subconscious, hidden, and often darker side of humanity. By conceptualizing in this way we forgot that the sun and moon actually contain both polarities, just as we do. We will only find balance and unity when we remember and embody the truth that the all is in everything.

Solar Feminine and Soul Re-calibration

As the Earth now moves closer to our source of light, the galactic center, it is necessary for our souls (sols) to be re-calibrated. In this way, our light bodies can receive the higher frequencies of light.
The trigger for this re-calibration and activation of our crystalline light bodies is the divine solar feminine aspect of the golden ray. It arrives with the purpose of bringing the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine back into unity and balance. It also uplifts us all with the qualities of peace, balance, harmony, courage, strength, beauty, creativity, unconditional love, compassion, abundance, and joy.
The divine solar feminine energies channel to us through the Pleiades star system and Venus. This pathway was chosen by the creator for a very specific reason. By stepping down the golden ray through these predominantly feminine cosmic entities bring back into balance the masculine and feminine polarities of Earth.

The Energies of the Solar Feminine Bring Balance

The Mayan civilization revered both the Pleiades and Venus. They knew that during the dawning of this new cycle these celestial bodies would play an important role. They serve in re-balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Thus, it allows us to integrate the higher frequencies of light.
Incarnated into every culture are crystal humans. These crystal humans are channels for the golden ray to enter the Earth’s consciousness grid. Crystal humans facilitate activation of the diamond light codes, triggering the upgrade of our collective DNA. When the light quotient we receive from the galactic center is high enough the crystal humans awaken to their purpose. That time is now.
When our light bodies become crystalline we can embody Christ Consciousness. Therefore, we have the experience of wholeness and oneness with the creator.
The solar goddess is here now and she is the key to the next phase of our transition. She is both nurturing and courageous and she will bring us much comfort during these final phases of transmutation. May we all feel her strength in our hearts and her joy in our souls as we herald the new golden age of peace.
by Ahtayaa Leigh
Ahtayaa Leigh is Founder of Gold Ray Healing™, an energy healing technique that channels the Golden Ray. Walking the enlightening path of physical and emotional transmutation leading to spiritual rebirth, Ahtayaa dedicates her life work to guiding others through the process of deep healing and transformation. Learn more about her work at and connect with her on Facebook at Gold Ray Healing.