otrdiena, 2016. gada 22. novembris

The Arcturians: Releasing Your 3D & 4D Energetic System


Greetings to our brave and ever-awakening volunteers to Earth,
We, the Arcturians would like to speak with you today from one of our Motherships. We wish to remind you again that your state of consciousness is the “operating system” that directs your brain to determine what frequency of reality that you “consciously” perceive.
Since what you perceive is often what you believe, your state of consciousness, which determines the operating system you are using, also determines which reality you perceive as REAL. Once, your fourth dimensional consciousness/operating system was only thought of as your dreams and daydreams.
But, within your NOW, more and more of you are combining your “third dimensional, physical reality, Operating System” with the Operating System of your fourth-dimensional, dream/meditative consciousness.
You are in the process of merging your third dimensional operating systems that you have been holding onto for many physical incarnations, with your fourth dimensional operating system, which you once thought of as sleep or creativity.
The third dimensional operating system bound you to your third dimensional state of the Beta-Wave consciousness/operating system. This Third Dimensional Operating System limited your “perception of reality” to the physical plane.
Fortunately, an ever-increasing number of you are dissolving your Fourth Dimensional Operating System, which represents your conscious perceptions of the fourth dimensional astral world, to “over lay” your perceptions of your third dimensional physical world.
Hence, your perceptions of reality are being directed to include both your 3D beta wave consciousness Operating System, as well as your 4D alpha wave consciousness Operating System. This blending of your 3D and 4D Operating Systems is allowing you to expand your consciousness into  your 5D gamma wave Operating System.
We take a moment of your NOW to explain what we mean by an “operating system.” Most of you are familiar with how your computer has an operating system, but you may not be aware of how much your computer operates in a similar fashion to your brain.
For example, you mental system is similar to your computer’s “word” system that allows you to collect your thoughts and emotions in the same manner that your brain allows you to speak, read, or say your thoughts and emotions.
As you are able to merge your thought and emotions into a unified perception of reality, your consciousness will expand and you will be able to “download” a new Operating System to meet the needs of your ever-expanding consciousness. Hence, as your consciousness expands, so does your Operating System.
Your once “lower state/frequency of consciousness” disallowed you to move forward into the NOW of your innate, Lightbody Gamma-Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness. However, as many of you are now merging your 3D beta-wave consciousness with your 4D alpha-wave consciousness, you are activating the Operating System of your 5D Gamma-Wave Operating System.
The download and integration of your 5D Operating System greatly changes your perception of reality. Before the download of your Fifth Dimensional Operating Systems, you could be “awake” to your physical world and function via your 3D Operating System OR you could be “asleep” to your physical world and function via your 4D Operating System.
Those of you who have expanded your consciousness to be able to simultaneously perceive both the third and the fourth dimensions are now transforming your third/fourth dimensional brain with your 5D and beyond, Multidimensional Heart. Those of you who are activating your Fifth Dimensional Operating System are able to simultaneously perceive the 3D physical world, the 4D astral world and the 5D reality that pulls you beyond you former limitations of time and space. Your fifth dimensional consciousness guides you back to your innate, multidimensional perception of the NOW.
Once you have activated your 5D Operating System will be among the leaders of New Earth. However, this transition will not be easy. The leaders are the ones who will be called on to open the portals of light. However, to open these portals you must find them, and many them have been camouflaged with illusion.
Therefore, we remind the leaders that, “The Truth will set you free.” One truth is that, it is the NOW to separate the chaff from the wheat. Another truth is that it is the NOW in which the first leader will be called upon. In fact, our definition of a leader is: the one who goes first.Fortunately, there are many brave ones who have already “gone first.”
Related:  Entering the New Cycle of Peace and Harmony
Being a leader doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a group following you. When we say leaders, we mean, “the ones who go first.” It is the NOW for the leaders to open the light portals and say to “the ones who go first, “Dear Leaders, It is the NOW.”
The fifth dimensional NOW doesn’t begin with going forward into the higher dimensions. The fifth dimensional NOW begins with letting go of what you cannot bring forward to your higher dimensional realities.
Hence, the first way to “go forward,” is to look at your life and decide, “What are the first things that I can release to facilitate my expansion into the higher dimensions?” You will find that you cannot “take it all with you” because the path gets narrower and steeper with every step.
If you have chosen to be a leader for ascension, that is if you have chosen to be one of the first ones, then you are walking that Path NOW. Actually, you are “Being” the path, because “the Path” is forefront in your consciousness.
Because you are a leader, you can do so much more.
Because you are a leader, you recognize that there are many people, places, situations, things, animals, and nature beings that are in need of help.Because you are a leader, you want to help them all.
However, Dear Leaders, do not spread yourselves too thin, or get too tired, before you complete your inner orders. Yes, Dear Leaders, your orders come not from outside of your self, or even from above you. You orders come from within your self, for that is how you receive them. It is from within your SELF, you leaders will guide humanity into the next octave of reality.
We wish to remind you that, IT IS THE NOW to release your third and fourth dimensional operating systems and remember you fifth-dimensional, higher directives. Being a leader does not mean that you leave your life. Being a leader means that you are ready to create your life.
Leaders are needed to train more leaders, which begins by leaders finding leaders, assisting these leaders, and teaching these leaders. Please remember, if leaders in training become too involved with being followers, they will not remember how to be leaders.
Therefore, we ask you to assist others, as assisting is a form of leading. Then, you guide those that you have assisted – to assist others. In this manner, leadership becomes normal, and followers are just those who have not YET become leaders. As you begin your leadership, you will grow to understand how your entire life has prepared you for your leadership of others.
As you leaders are aware, Gaia has accelerated her third dimensional frequency enough that NOW Her fourth dimensional frequency is intertwined with Her third dimensional frequency. In other words, Gaia is returning to Her Multidimensional SELF.
Therefore, your third dimensional lessons are actually fourth dimensional lessons because Gaia is no longer “just third dimensional.” In fact, Gaia has “gone first” to expand Her planetary resonance, to make it much easier for ALL her inhabitants to do the same. This acceleration of planetary frequency is part of the reason why things appear so dark.
This perception of darkness is because Gaia is NOW moving through Her planetary Lower Astral Plane to fully reconnect with her true Multidimensional Planetary Self. In the same mannerall of Gaia’s inhabitants, including humanity, are moving through their own Lower Astral Plane.
Dear ascending leaders, you are within an era when you must remind yourselves that “the darkest night precedes the dawn.” The Lower Astral Plane, which is the Astral Plane’s darkest night, is where all the effluvia of all the darkness, of all of the incarnations, of all of humanity, exist. Yes, we must add that humans, and/or those disguised as humans, have created this darkness.
However, this darkness did not wear human bodies when it first came to Gaia at the fall of Atlantis. These dark ones did not come from Earth! These dark ones came from other planets in which they also served as the force of “power over others.” The invasion of Earth occurred because the Laggards, those who could not ascend with their former planet, needed to inhabit another third dimensional planet.
Many of these Laggards could not learn on their last planet, and cannot learn on Gaia’s planet.These Laggards, the lost ones, need to be blessed and loved free because they cannot change. The leaders must learn to identify those who cannot or will not change.
Related:  Silvina Mer-Being: Supporting Water’s Ascension - October 2016
More and more of the younger “laggards,” the children of the lost ones, wish to release the dark indoctrination that they received as children. Unfortunately, many of their parents are too addicted to “power over others.” Dear Leaders, your challenge is to send the Unconditional Love and Violet Fire whenever the fearful indoctrinations of the dark ones enter your thoughts.
It is the greatest challenge of the Leaders to remember that YOU are the Master of your life. Therefore, if you want something to change or alter your life in any manner, YOU must change your self first. Gaia, as well as all of the ascending ones are sending Unconditionally Love and Violet Fire into the fourth dimensional Lower Astral Plane.
Because every journey begins with the first step, Gaia’s journey of ascension begins with the transmutation of Her lowest frequency sub-plane—the Lower Astral Plane. In the same manner, Gaia’s leaders will also be called on to clear Gaia’s Lower Astral Plane. This “service to Gaia” will assist you to unite with your Multidimensional SELF.
In the same manner, Gaia is beginning Her planetary journey to re-unite with Her Multidimensional Planet. As you can observe, Gaia is traveling through the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension. This personal and the planetary journey through the Lower Astral Plane represent “the darkest night before the dawn.”
As you prepare for your personal and planetary inter-dimensional journey you will may ask, “What do I take with me?” and “What do I release?” These decisions are best made in a calm state of mind when you can connect with your Inner, Higher Guidance.
We Arcturians are happy that you have connected with your Galactic and Celestial Family to aid you with your  inter-dimensional transition. We wish you to share your higher dimensional connection with all the leaders, as well as those who will suddenly discover that they, too, are leaders. We the Arcturians, as well as the myriad other Higher Beings assisting dear Gaia, send you all inter-dimensional comfort and support.
Many secrets have been buried in Gaia’s Lower Astral Plane, just as there are many secrets in humanity’s Lower Astral Plane. For many millennia, the Lower Astral Plane has shown back onto Earth as the lies and illusions that have blocked Gaia and Her inhabitants from moving  forward on their ascension path.
Fortunately, the Lower Astral Plane can be transmuted back into it’s original pristine state, to provide “fertile fields” of Gaia’s expansion back to Her true Multidimensional Planet. Gaia’s 3D operating System says that, “All energy that has been sent OUT must return to the sender to be transmuted before that person can ascend.”
Do you understand now why Ascended Masters had such huge challenges before they could ascend? “But why did so many fall into the darkness?” we hear you ask. Our answer is that often many were unconsciously guided by one of the dark ones, who had mastered the art of unconscious, subliminal messages.
It is for this reason that we, your Galactic Family, have been telling you to carefully guard what you allow into your consciousness. There are two primary reasons for this “recommendation.” One of the reasons is that YOU, whether you know it or not, are being deeply changed by Gaia’s rising frequency.
The other reason is that the dark ones have stepped up their “fear campaigns” because they know their days are numbered. As long as the Lower Astral Plane shrouded Gaia, the dark ones could hide there and enter the dreams and unconscious of the humans. We say “humans” because the dark ones could not enter the unconscious of plants and animals because they live in Unity Consciousness with Gaia.
Therefore, Gaia’s planetary SELF protected the plants, animals and other nature creatures. Since the dark ones cared only for their own “power over others,” they attempted many times to destroy, or greatly damage, the planet, as well as the nature that lived on the planetary surface as a means to destroy the humans.
Now that the entire planet is moving through the Lower Astral Plane, the best way to protect yourself is to protect your planet. The way to protect your planet is to expand your consciousness into the highest sub-planes of the fourth dimension, and eventually, into the fifth dimension. This expansion will shift your third/fourth dimensional operating system, into a fifth dimensional operating system.
Related:  The Realm of Manifestation - New Earth Reality
Humanity was meant to be the Keepers of the Land, The Whales were meant to be the Keepers of the Water, the Birds were meant to be the Keepers of the Air, and the Ascended humans were meant to be the Keepers of Spirit. However, many members of humanity fell into the “power over others” which taught them to gain “Power Over” the Earth, “Power Over” the Water and “Power Over” the Air.
They even sought to gain “power over” the higher dimensional worlds of Spirits, but instead they became lost in the Lower Astral Plane. But, by then, humanity was so wounded that they unconsciously sent their wounding into Gaia. Hence, rather than assist Gaia, they sent their personal wounding into the 4D Lower Astral Plane where it eventually fell down into third dimensional Earth, like an invisible rain of darkness and fear.
Remember, part of Gaia’s Operating System is based on “whatever is put out, will return to the sender.” Therefore, even though Gaia did not send out “power over others,” the humans sent out so much “power over others” that that third and lower fourth dimensional energy fields became permeated with the program of “power over others.”
This “side effect” of Gaia’s Operating System of “Energy out equals Energy Back,” so “broke Gaia’s Spirit,” that Earth became trapped by the Lower Astral Plane. With little assistance from Her wounded elementals, or Her selfish humans, Gaia became increasingly entangled in the darkness.
The Lower Astral Plane has been known to humans as their nightmares, their fears, that which was destructed, and their “no way out” situations. Unfortunately, just as humans largely ignored the physical “trash” that littered Gaia’s beautiful planet, they also ignored the dark energy fields that littered Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura.
It is for the above reasons that we wish to remind you that
It is the NOW to master “The Art of Letting GO.”
“What does letting go mean? And, what are we supposed to let go of?” We hear you ask. However, only you can fully find that question for yourselves. But we will add that if you wish to “let go” of your third dimensional programming, trauma, and sorrow, please do not “let go” of it without transmuting and unconditionally loving it.
Hence, the first thing that you will need to “let go of” is your third dimensional thinking. Your third dimensional thinking has lost its Unity with all Life. Therefore, your third dimensional thinking is inclined to think that humans are better than the Earth, the Air, the Fire, and the Water. The training of the “dark ones” remains in the consciousness of many humans. This training said that “humans” were better than any other life form.
     Animals do NOT soil their nest, cave or tree. 
     Animals live in peace and unity consciousness with their flock, pride, school, herd.
     Animals risk their lives every day to care for their young and don’t abandon their mate.
     Animals live in unity consciousness with all life and only take what they can use or eat.
Fortunately, more and more humans are on the cusp of expanding their consciousness, awareness, recognition, and acceptance of their third and fourth dimensional mistakes and selfish actions.
Therefore, more and more humans are expanding their consciousness into the fifth dimension by:  
            Expanding their consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension
            Enhancing their awareness to perceive the fifth dimension
            Honing their perceptions to accept the flow of fifth dimensional energy fields
            Accepting the process of transmuting their physical world and physical body
As humanity expands their consciousness, enhances their awareness, hones their perceptions, and remembers to use their innate ability to love unconditionally and to transmute their reality with the power of the Violet Fire, they will greatly assist in the anchoring of the many “light portals that are NOW being opened to connect the third, fourth and the fifth dimensions into ONE.”
These portal of light will guide humanity to “Let GO” of the third/fourth dimensional illusions and to live within the fifth dimensional truth that: Person and Planet are ONE.
WE, the members of your Galactic Family are always with you,
The Arcturians
by: Suzanne Lie
