piektdiena, 2016. gada 11. novembris

Prepare Yourself For The Higher Energies

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Everything and everyone is composed of Energy. This energy allows the Spiritual realm to have contact with you. It is important to take responsibility for your personal vibration, raising it so you may meet with the universal energies and receive communication directly from your Higher self , the Angels and Ascended Masters, and other Light Beings.
The higher your personal vibration, the easier it is for the Spiritual realm to make contact with you. The Angels, Ascended Masters and Other Light Beings vibrate at a much higher vibration than Humans.
To make contact on a more regular basis, you must raise your personal vibration. This can be done in a number of ways.
Meditation is a common way of raising your vibration. You are also able to raise your vibration by bringing your attention to your thoughts, the purer the thoughts, the higher your vibration, so remove all negative thought patterns and replace them with positive thoughts.
Practice of this exercise is all that is needed, then it will become second nature and you will notice other things within your life change as your create a stronger more purer vibration within your energy field.
You will only attract vibrations to your energy field that are of the same resonance.
Exercise is another way to raise your vibration. Not only does exercise create a healthy body, it creates a healthy mind. When you exercise, your body releases feel good endorphines, when you feel good, you raise your vibration.
Find some activity that makes you feel good and go for it.
Eat good quality food and drink pure water, what you put into your body will also affect your energy, so treat yourself kindly.
Being with friends and those that make us feel Loved and appreciated will also help raise our vibration. Surround yourself with loving friends and family. You can create a spiritual family who will help you and support your vibrational evolution.
We have been taught that we need to raise our awareness up toward the Heavens for ascension. It is my belief, that we need to raise our personal vibration to resonate with the vibration of our Higher self.
Once we have reached this point of unison, we must then bring our Higher self closer to the Earth. Bringing Heaven to Earth. This will bring a vibration of purity closer to Earth and help her raise her vibration in preparation for the cosmic shift.
We all have an important role to play here. We can all start raising our personal vibration so we are able to unite our physical energies with our Higher self’s energies, thus creating Heaven on Earth.
In order for this to be successful, We must strenghten our Lower three chakras to help anchor the higher vibrations .
Earthly activities are important. Remember to be in the present moment as this helps to strenghten the lower three chakras.
Dance, Laugh, pay attention to the mundane activities that tie you to the Earthly experience. This will strenghthen your connection to these chakras.
Imagine your Lower three Chakras as the Root system to a very Large tree.
The stronger the root system, the stronger the tree. Like the tree, the roots stabilize the tree so it may grow strong and healthy.
The root system is equally as large underground as is the tree and its folage above ground. This is a great way to image your chakra system.
The Lower three chakras are the roots to your tree, the heart chakra is the midpoint, the joining of the energies, and the upper three chakras are your tree trunk, branches and folage. How strong is the root system to your tree?
Give yourself permission to engage in activities to help strengthen your connection to these vital chakras.
Here is a little exercise to help anchor your Higher energies into Mother Earth.
Sit on the Earth, place your hands firmly on the ground. Now take a moment to breath, connecting with rise and fall of your breath knowing as you breath, you are connecting with the universal breath.
Now, have a sense of pulling the energy of the Universe down through your Crown Chakra. Bring this energy down through your brow chakra, then your throat chakra and feel it connect to your Heart chakra.
Let this energy rest within your Heart charka for a moment. Now let the energies travel down through your arms and into your hands. Feel this energy build as a warmth or tingling sensation within your hands.
Connect with Mother Earth and allow this energy to move through you and deep into Mother Earth. Feel this, see this, allow this exchange of energy from the universe through your hands to Mother Earth.
As this energy is allowed to be transfered, say” I bless you and thank you, Our Beloved Mother Earth, in the name of All that is.”
When you feel you are finished exchanging energies, bring your awareness back to your breath and allow the universal energies to return to their origin, knowing you can connect again at YOUR divine will.
You will feel refreshed and energised as your energy is refined through the universal energy exchange.
This exercise can be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. If on a monthly basis, I would suggest either on the full moon or the new moon.
The more we connect with the universal energies and allow an exchange of energy between earth and the universe, the higher our personal vibration will become. The higher our personal vibration and the more intune with the universe we become, the greater the flow of Love and Harmony to humanity