trešdiena, 2016. gada 21. septembris



We are getting disengaged from the lower realms. That's why it is hard to connect with some people around. (Their mind is stuck in the old patterns and survival)

We are pushed to stay on higher frequencies by simply following the new patterns.
(Heart feels more than mind comprehends)

Anything feels low and dense is what is reminding you to stay focused on your own energy field and keep your heart space open so you can still stay grounded without clashing with 3D(lower mental realm) and people around.

Strong attachments to lower consciousness will be obvious now so we can recognize them and let them go. Use the old as your reminder to stay alert about keeping your energy field high in vibration. Instead of judging others just because we don't feel anchored in higher vibration, use them to see where you were and how much you have dropped the mind control.

Mind will still focus on the lower realm and resist the new so it could tag itself to the "others" low survival mental patterns (again). Which won't resonate with our new energy field and will make our body more tired. (Heart cannot cope with old mental realms)

Mind will insist on keeping us there because it has the story of our survival and how much resistance we have learned to keep the self as a "survivor". So mind could jump on the "others" field and heart feeling this disengaging could make us feel more fearful than normal.

Stay focused on your own energy, drop the judgement. Judgement is a way of mind keeps the self subconsciously safe. But it lowers the frequency and keeps the resistance alive so we feel the survival consciousness wrapping us again, so we feel more fearful for no reason. This mental enslavement has been stuck within our energy field. And the layers are lifting now. We are releasing these by disengaging from the old patterns.

This is also a great chance to see how much we are stuck with our old mental patterns and see how "others" slave us to shape our own reality, instead of what we really feel inside. Either, towards their low frequency or your own inner resistance to keep yourself reactive, mind will always let you focus on them to feel safe. That is the old survival consciousness habit that mind has been enslaving us and now that will be obvious to see how it keeps us stuck in the same karmic patterns. 

(Facing with our 3D old self)
If you cannot shift the mind to stay focused on your energy field, it will drag you from one "others" to the other "others" perspectives. And, finding your inner self between these "others' survival consciousness will soon keep you locked in the reactive and victim mode, again and again. So that is how mind gets stuck in the lower realms, by using "others" as its survival kit.

We have been seeing how much we have created from this consciousness level and how stuck we were in it, energetically. Let them all come out so you could shift easier. If you only stay neutral and aware of your mind's power so you could recognize the old patterns are coming for a reason to show you what you are capable of. Mind will try to find an outside reason to hang on to. Heart cannot repeat what mind has been enslaving the whole energy field. Just open space for old to be released so you can shift the self from that open heart space. Mind will focus on others as much as it can. But there is nothing can shift what we have to do within.

You are not going back to the old patterns in mind so if people are not where you are, it is time to stay neutral and focused on your own energy field. From here, the next level will open up for us to recognize our own projections and creations. Until then, we will repeat to see how much 3D and lower realm mind has been stuck with. Until the heart space is aligned with mind and solidified on the new patterns, we would see what we have been keeping the self with as our old energy patterns. Relax, drop the mind enslavement, drop focusing on "others" and gently place your self for the next level.
Denize Sariköz