pirmdiena, 2016. gada 11. jūlijs

In everything, we see the principle of resistance

" In everything, we see the principle of resistance, night and day, good and evil winter and summer, Jesus and Satan, male and female, electric and magnetic. This duality is necessary. Everything in the universe is electric or magnetic. Electricity radiates and magnetism contracts. The sun(Jesus) is electric and saturn(Satan) is magnetic. The sun is the religion of seeing(without the sun you cannot see) and Saturn is the religion of hearing(teaches you about the sixth sense a...nd intuition.) Saturn represents the night in which we have to depend more on our hearing than on our seeing, therefore has also been called "the black sun" Saturn is the ruler of the ears (earrings, lord of the rings) the god of law, the king(the longest cycle around the sun) in court, they use the Latin language of Saturn. We live in the age of Saturn or chronos(which means time), because we live in the age of time. Time eats of its children like chronos in Greek mythology ate his children. Saturn does to the sun what the moon does to the earth. The moon orbits the earth in 29.5 days and Saturn orbits the sun in 29.5 years. The moon pulls the earth and Saturn pulls the sun. That is why Saturn and the sun are twin brothers. Astrotheology tells you the way these principles work, about "the gospel in the sky" about the agricultural years, what season it is what weather is, what part of your body you need to give attention, what type of character you are and to Raise your consciousness."
- Pateo Academia