svētdiena, 2016. gada 19. jūnijs

The powerful gamma photonic wave

The powerful gamma photonic wave of crystallized diamond Light streaming from the Great Central Sun is infusing ‘awakening’ consciousness into the collective. As these powerful Light waves sweep through the collective, they stir up deep-seeded discord, trauma, emotional pain/suffering and karmic resolution.

We are in the midst of this wave right now, leading up to another stair-step breakthrough on the Solstice Gateway next week. Think of it like oil on water. The dark sludge
... of your past is rising to the surface for clearing.

This Monday we can expect the 2nd Full Moon at 29º Sagittarius and the Solstice transit into Cancer on the same day, for the first time in 68 years. The placement of this Full Moon in 29 degrees touches on the dark recesses of the unconscious and the hidden underworld catacombs of fallen souls.
Many experienced a deep wave of depression rising up for release this past month. You can call it a collective depression clearing, but it can also be personal depression caused by lifetimes of battling with the dark forces. As we confront our Soul history on earth, we become witness to the atrocities experienced at the hands of fallen souls. As we disentangle from all involvement with the dark fallen ones, this allows the suppressed fear and depression to release.

In Monday’s Solstice Global broadcast, we will work on clearing memories of trauma, abuse, betrayal, and aggressive persecution. You are not here to sacrifice, martyr, or abandon your Soul life force and Light power. You need to cancel and revoke all contracts and agreements that permit the parasitic fallen souls to drain or feed on your kundalini life force.

We have moved into the phase of the Ascension that transforms duality into singularity of unity consciousness. As you pull away from merging with the collective, and live as a whole, complete, Sovereign Being, you may experience feelings of isolation and aloneness. The ego mind needs to update and catch up with living in singularity. It feels very different than before. When you fully embody the Christed Soul, you are One unto itself…all that you are and need exists within you.
I will be broadcasting the Solstice Global Activations broadcast on Monday, June 20th at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET. Step into the Quantum Vortex with other Starseeds actively working their Ascension blueprint. Register at:
Lovingly, Meg
PS: If you missed our Global Activations broadcast on May 21st, here is the replay recording to prepare for the June Solstice Gateway!

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