piektdiena, 2016. gada 10. jūnijs

Step into the Quantum Vortex with other Starseeds actively working their Ascension blueprint

Since the March Eclipses-Equinox upgrades, the collective has reached the tipping point of Light luminosity. The powerful gamma photonic wave of crystallized diamond Light streaming from the Great Central Sun is infusing ‘awakening’ consciousness into the minds and hearts of mankind. This is creating a critical mass wave of new insights, understandings, and awareness not seen in thousands of years.

Those who activated in the 1st Wave since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence are leading the way into the higher 5D hologram. This exists as an earth-bound morphic field of unity consciousness, available to all souls seeking harmonious coexistence. Many First Wavers have elevated into the 5D Earth plane in the past decade…breaking free from the Time Matrix and clearing all karmic density accumulated thru time.

Since the March upgrades, the Ascension Wave is picking up speed – accelerating towards the higher dimensional realm of Living Light. Many are embodying their Christed Soul Presence and living in a field of unconditional love and compassion. They stay away from the polarized battle with the dark forces still playing out in the lower 3D world hologram. They maintain their inner Still Point of balance and magnetize their intentions/visions of an ascended world reality.

Achieving critical mass allows all souls to complete their mission of mercy with the fallen ones. The divine dispensation resonates thru the collective consciousness that closes the door on any entanglement with the fallen souls. It is the time we’ve awaited for that clears away all involvement with the dark forces. Call on your Soul Family to remove and clear any code linking you to fallen family members. Set them free! You are moving into a new phase of your mission – embodying your divine Christed Soul essence and accelerating the formation of your crystallized Light Body.

Set yourself Free! Release any remaining memories of trauma, abuse, betrayal, and aggressive persecution. You are not here to sacrifice, martyr, or abandon your Soul life force and Light power. Cancel and revoke all contracts and agreements that permit the fallen ones to drain or feed on your kundalini life force. The planet is now vibrating with 51% or more Light quotient. The shift has happened! No longer tolerated are any attacks by the dark forces…they are being moved off planet into a neutral zone. While this migration is taking place, maintain vigilant focus, attention, intention and visions of a liberated 5D Earth.

You are the future! Use your magnetism to draw in the accelerated Ascension timeline. BE in LOVE!

I will be broadcasting more Ascension Activations next Wednesday, June 15th at 5pm PT.

Step into the Quantum Vortex with other Starseeds actively working their Ascension blueprint.

Register at: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=12616

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte

PS: If you missed our Global Activations broadcast on May 21st, here is the replay recording to prepare for the June Solstice Gateway!
