pirmdiena, 2016. gada 13. jūnijs

Changing the games....**The Shift*

Changing the games....**The Shift*
Releasing the old victim paradigm and releasing the old patterns of powerlessness. Energies are washing off everything. Many of us cannot tolerate people with no awareness of these shifts. So we do not need to lower the energy to keep our old patterns reactive and alive. No more justifying or keeping the self at the contrast of others shadow. All protection, survival, victim, enslavement, doing things for others so they could stay strong, po
...verty, limitation, ....all are coming up to the surface. Most of them connected to the old belief systems, occults, energy ties, minds' habit of playing hard to win - twisting things around, judging to feel protected, killing to feel safe - putting it down, all of these patterns are dissolving. And, the new patterns are bringing new assimilations. So shift cannot tolerate any thing connected to these. Any behavior, habit, repeated stuck patterns will show you where you are resisting to let go the old way. They are layers, so keep them as waves coming to the shore and gentle washing your inner nature. Stay in the now, anchor into the higher neutral awareness where you can stay non-victimized as a feeling and push out anything feels heavy & old. Emotions could be your guide right now. Go deep, sensor the whole body and anything feels old (past life memories, DNA, Ancestors, survival patterns) will come up the heart and throat area so you can release them from the crown chakra. Keep cleansing, and stand solid in your knowing that the new you won't tolerate what your old you has tolerated. You are safe. Wash them off.
So much Love,