pirmdiena, 2016. gada 7. marts

Free Yourselves ∞Quan Yin


“It is I, Quan Yin.
Free yourselves from the bondage of control. I am not referring to the control that others may attempt to exert over you. I am referring to the control that you attempt to exert over your own lives. The type of control that specifies how everything must go is what creates a self-imposed prison.
The freedom of letting go of control puts you in much greater flow and opens you to many more possibilities. Your reasons for attempting to exert control over your own lives may be very well thought out and valid, and therefore, you may experience some difficulty in letting them go. But as soon as you do, you will experience relief, joy, freedom, and the new possibilities may show themselves to you sooner than you might think.
In your control, you are usually attempting to avoid fear. There can be a great deal of fear experienced in the unknown, but there can also be a great deal of freedom. You can relax into the unknown. You can even feel excited about the unknown. Whatever it is that you fear, it is something that you can determine within yourselves. You can discover what that fear is, face it, feel it, and be done with that experience.
And then you will be open, flexible, and at ease with whatever is coming down the pike. That sort of freedom is available to you any time you desire to experience it, and that kind of freedom infuses your life with joy, with ecstasy, and with passion.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”