ceturtdiena, 2016. gada 10. marts

Divine Masculine and Feminine as One ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


So many are celebrating Women’s day, Happy Women’s Day.
I am not a female without a male. Before you freak out, read on.
Being a Female and On Earth, living alone for 6 years, I still know it is the balance the Union, that this Planet Earth and throughout the Universe is about.

What is the Divine Feminine without the masculine?
And some feminists might feel otherwise.

Yet, I also, can live alone, be in bliss, live a joyful life, alone.
Yet I know, it is the balance within me, that makes it so.

What am I without the Divine Masculine? And isn’t it time to stop the segregation, the prejudice, that keeps all those on planet earth separate and apart?
I wouldn’t exist without the Masculine, and I am referring to, not only a biological aspect of form. But also at the true level of things, how they truly are.

There isnt anything more special about the Divine Feminine than the Divine Masculine, at all in anyway.
The Divine Feminine is nothing without the Divine Masculine.
The Divine Masculine is nothing without the Divine Feminine.
In truth they are and always have been One.
The Divine Feminine is here, to bring back the balance.
That is All.
The masculine has done great.
The Balance. The Union.
That is all.
As a Soul there is no separation, it is whole. Incarnating in a form, on Planet Earth there is what appears a division.
This division, although in form, at the heart of it all, does not exist.
This is part and parcel of the longing in the physical for the ideal partner, mate, twin Soul, etc.

So today I celebrate the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine equally, as I am not whole, without the masculine.
And on Earth, also, let the total merging of this Union, be in the Hearts of All. As in the higher levels, it is all so. It is all one. Separation is not known.
May all celebrate this Union today, masculine and feminine merged within, in the whole pure original state. And celebrate the masculine in form also, with which we all this wouldn’t be here, without.
Eternal Love and Bliss!

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