pirmdiena, 2016. gada 15. februāris


A noticeable shift occured around the time of the Chinese and Tibetan New Year on February 8th. This was when the Green Lights turned on and illuminated our True Path for the rest of the year. Everything started moving forward at an accelerated pace. Things that have been in a Stop! - Wait. - Go! - Stop! mode since last August are finally moving forward. Many projects, as well as aspects of our old lives, will now be completed. Another exhilarating surge of 'A Mu'a began!

The Fire Monkey ignited into full brilliance and scampers full speed into the New Reality, grabbing us by the hand and taking us with him. Although the Fire Monkey is very playful, wildly creative and loves making mischief, they also have a powerful mastery of focused intent. They are not only exceedingly clever, but excel at "out of the box" creative solutions. He / she is our perfect companion this year, for with the Fire Monkey by our side, anything is possible!

February is a very potent month which gives us greater clarity on where we are, where we need (want) to go and how to do it. Unexpected opportunities offer us the changes we've been looking for. These often come from surprising directions. Our True Path is now illuminated by a series of shining Green Lights, making it easier to see than ever before.

The energy of E Mao Mao from Beyond the Beyond is being strongly felt by the planetary collective where it is having a strong transformational effect upon those who are experiencing it. This is triggering a great awakening all over the planet as the veils dissolve and portions of humanity sudden shake off the layers of illusion and clearly see the falseness of duality, all those things which have long been presented to us as real. It like the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes". Now, we can see the unvarnished, naked truth.

There's a new seriousness that permeates everything right now. This new seriousness will only get stronger with each passing month with the continuation of shocking events in the outer world. We are being immeasurably deepened, plunging us into ever greater Trueness. With our enhanced seriousness of purpose, we now realize that it's time to step forward and regain control of our planet. It's NOW OR NEVER! We have to flip everything over and make the shift from duality to Oneness.

There's a relationship component in 2016 that we haven't seen for a long time. This makes it quite likely that many of us will reunite with our True Partner this year, if we haven't done this already. This will happen when we least expect it. We don't have to go out looking for them. We will be naturally brought together, and even though we may appear to be outwardly different, our connection will be strongly felt on a core essence level. When we recognize this core level connection, something will just naturally click into position between us. And we will suddenly realize that our long search is over!

This month will bring us more deep breakthroughs on many levels as we continue to solidify our New Reality. We will experience breakthroughs by releasing more of our old habits, behaviors and duality-based beliefs. We will experience numerous creative breakthroughs as we birth the New in various forms while surfing a massive creative surge. There will also be significant breakthroughs as we make the conscious choice to firmly reset our inner control panels to the coordinates of the New Reality.

February is the month that we really begin to wake up and embrace a new way of being and this will continue throughout 2016. We exude a new sense of natural confidence. We trust our Heart's Knowingness and accept its guidance with little or no resistance. We feel more comfortable with who we are and it shows outwardly. The New Reality feels more solid and grounded. We've been working inside ourselves, integrating all the new energies that have been thrown at us over the past year and now, we've woken up into a whole new matrix of creation. It's very exciting to see all the new possibilities that have finally opened up in front of us.

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This is a small fragment of Solara's complete FEBRUARY 2016 SURF REPORT. The full Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at the NVISIBLE MERCADO. http://mercado.nvisible.com/surf-re...