svētdiena, 2016. gada 10. janvāris

Soul Evolution

What you are going through right now is what we like to refer to as a soul evolution. It may be a bit puzzling to understand this because what everyone has been taught is that the soul does not change, the soul is everlasting, true, and pure, and of the highest vibration. But this experience that you all are having on your planet is a very unique one and while we speak of a soul evolution it is not that your soul is changing or that your soul is evolving into a higher vibration because that is simply impossible. What it does mean is that all of you are in a very unique situation right now, it is not just about bringing higher vibrational energy, higher dimensional energy into your third and fourth dimensions on your planet. 

That you are doing, but all of you have a unique ability of bringing these higher vibrations into your physical being. And it's not even that you are bringing them down into the planet, down into your physical being. You already posses them, it just appears that you don't because of the physical vessels that you are in. In actuality there is no higher vibrational energy than what all of you hold within yourselves, within your bodies. While that high vibrational energy may not be physical and it may not be physically seen, you carry it with you, all of you do. And, it does not limit it's self just to humans, your plants, your trees, your bodies of water, your animals, even your insects, everyone, everything in creation carries this potential with them and once it starts to unlock itself within the humans, to a great extant it will pass on to the other life on your planet, the trees, the plant life, how much plant life do you have? 

The animals, they will all begin to awaken just by being in contact with the energy you posses. Or on a more collective level your nature life, wild life will pick up on this high vibrational energy simply as it resides now in your atmosphere with no thought or trouble at all, it simply will just naturally happen. And this is the miracle of what is going on, of what is happening, of what you all posses within yourselves. I don't think you understand just how important what you are, who you are, what you hold within you, and what it really is. You have the power within yourself and even just one person to change everything. It is not as if you need energy, light, higher frequencies, other dimensions to come down to you to help you. Because the secret is you hold it within you so that the task that you have is that you must access it within yourself, within your physical bodies, within your etheric bodies, within your light bodies. 

You must understand that everything that you are looking for, the highest possible frequency is within each and every one of you. So when we talk about soul evolution, while the soul itself will not change, will not evolve in the traditional way. The more each of you begin to awaken to what lies within yourselves to the higher energy, to the pure light that you posses. You posses everything within you, the universe, the cosmos, from the beginning and end of time, everything you have is within you. Your soul is the highest embodiment of that and as all of you begin to awaken to the nature of the soul, as you begin to awaken to the soul as your true self you will then begin to em-bide the nature and the qualities of your soul within your human physical vessel. Your soul will begin to awaken to the other parts of you. The nature of your soul will begin to be embodied by your mental, emotional, etheric, physical bodies. It will come down like that from the spiritual body. As this happens, this is what we refer to as a soul evolution because your soul is becoming one with your physical. While this may be difficult to understand because most of us are aware that the soul is purely spiritual. The soul possesses the God like energy that is within all of us. So, as this is infused in the physical, you may begin to wonder what is actually taking place here. Does the physical become eternal as the soul? 

Does the soul pick up the physical properties making it very difficult for the soul to separate itself from the physical body? In actuality, the soul itself cannot become physical, it cannot become affected by the physical or entrapped by the physical. Now we are all here with souls in these physical material bodies it is all done with choice, contracts, free will made by our higher selves and our souls. We do have the choice or ability to leave, to back out at any time. The soul can never be entrapped in anything, everything is done with mutual consent with agreements, contracts, free will. Some souls now that are incarnate on your planet in physical bodies have made pleas, have made prayers, and requests that anything that will help them evolve on the spiritual level, anything that will help them to assist your planet and all of it's inhabitants to evolve on the spiritual level, to let it come to them. And those who have made these prayers, these requests, these pleas will be given that. It will seem as if they have given up their free will and some have even asked to surrender it. Because they are being worked with closely by their guides, by star beings, elders, angels, by all of us who are there to assist you in this evolutionary process.

 So, for those individuals who have made these requests, your lives will be different because unless you make a statement, unless you make a decision to back out of that request, out of that commitment, you will be given exactly what you need for what you asked for. Your lives, your daily lives, everything that is involved in your life, your lives your world is there to assist you in becoming the best person that you can be to help you awaken within your self that sleeping soul, to help you to assist others in awakening within themselves their sleeping souls. To assist all in the world, all in the nature to awake their sleeping souls this will continue. And these souls who have made this kind of commitment much gratitude is given for them because they have made these requests and prayers, they are the ones who will exceed exceptionally quickly in their spiritual evolution. 

They are of much assistance and it spreads to all those they are around and to nature, to beings who are not humans it spreads. It is what we call planetary evolution, by their conscious choice of surrender, by their conscious choice of wanting to help, of wanting to participate, of giving up the part of themselves that is separate from the spiritual aspect, separate from the nature of the soul. It may seem as if you are giving up part of yourself but this is simply not true because what it is you are doing is that you are actually coming into the true power of your true self. And as you do this it is very easy for the soul to awaken within you, for the soul to awaken within every part of you beginning with the spiritual body, the mental body, the emotional body, the etheric body, the physical body. You will be the embodiment of soul awakening of your soul consciousness, god consciousness, because the soul is the direct energy of the god source. It is pure and what will happen is not that your soul will change in the soul evolution but your physical etheric emotional mental bodies will change. 

They will become pure, they will become the pure embodiment of the soul consciousness, the consciousness of the one. Your soul will be em-bided within these different bodies including the physical. So, what will happen as this evolution continues is that things within these bodies will change, they will not be subject to the things that would normally affect someone in the material consciousness. Your mental capacity will change, you will be able to remember, you will be able to see. Your thoughts will change from worries and fears to seeing what really is beyond your physical manifestation. You will be able to see who you are, who others are, what this world is, what this world is capable of. Some of you will have memories of different incarnations, in different places, within this planet during ancient times. Which many of you are coming to recognise now the ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Mu. 

These will be coming back to teach you important lessons, to remind you of why you came here, to remind you of what is important. Now some of you will have recollections of being previous incarnations, even incarnations of the higher self and in different places and on other worlds, with different races of intergalactic beings. This is very important also because many have trained to come to the point you are at now. Many of you have trained to come to this planet to do what you are doing now. Many of you have trained in these other worlds. Many of you have even trained to come to Lemuria, Atlantis, Mu. 

Many of you had trained in those ancient places, many of you have left behind where you can now pick up certain artefacts, crystals, even light codes you have left in these regions of your planet that you will be able to use now. So that you can assist now because while the physical manifestation may appear as this is all there is. One day it will just change. It will not be as if you are going through a huge shift, the poles are shifting, the planet is shifting, your bodies are shifting. Yes, it's all shifting now. It has been shifting, some are aware, some aren't, some are assisting in this shifting, some have a deep feeling that something amazing is happening but they don't quite know what it is. When this is complete the shift will just appear. It will not be as if your world will crumble, your poles will all the sudden shift, part of the planet will be iced over. All of that is happening slowly, it has been happening for quite some years now. And while the major shift has already taken place in the higher vibrational levels, it is there your world has already shifted. The thing is the shift takes place in the higher dimensions first, the higher dimensions are always here. We have always lived in the third dimension, the fourth dimension is where we carry thoughts, feelings, where what we do not see lies. 

So what ever would come into manifestation as a collective on your planet would happen first in this fourth dimension. Which makes it very easy for the inhabitants of your planet to be manipulated. But once this changes then what carries out in the physical will change. The only way that this has changed is that your planet has been open to dimensions that are higher than the fourth. The fifth dimension has been open and anchored on your planet and is reaching energy up into the twelfth dimension. The sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth are on their way to being anchored. Higher dimensions are coming through, as these dimensions are coming through to your world they filter down and they filter down into the fourth dimension. Which is the dimension that affects what everyone thinks and it affects the emotions, the human emotions.

 Once these begin to change, the third dimension which is the physical actions you see on your planet will also begin to change and it is already happening. Once this evolution is completed in the fourth dimension that the higher dimensions are connected and the fourth is connected to the third. It will filter down and the third dimension will also change, duality will no longer be so prominent it may still partly be there because we not completely transforming or obliterating the fourth dimension because your physical will still be there. So you will not be exiting the third dimension, you will be changing the third dimension. And this may seem as if it goes against all laws of nature and it does. This is why we call this unique experience a miracle because that's what it is. 

Many beings were sent here to embody the physical, many beings were sent here to work through issues of the collective through the physical because as things come up in the physical, as things come up with strong mental and emotional influences they're magnified and so much is cleared so very quickly. 

All of the company of heaven is here to over see and assist this process, this is what is happening now. It is not only a process that is assisting the evolutionary spiritual process of your planet but many other planetary systems, the universe itself is shifting and so much can be shifted here on your planet as the physical shifts. Many star beings, many light beings were not sure that it was possible, they thought the risk was too great sending certain individuals in to get entangled into the physical but the truth is that in this unique experiment we all have been participating in, it has amazed us far beyond our beliefs. It has amazed us far beyond anything we can ever imagine. And now full support is there, we all give full support for this spiritual evolution because we see the miracle of it. We see how important it is. 

We see how trusting in something we did not understand but we felt was right was definitely the right thing to do. We are amazed, we are amazed with you, each and every one of you. We are amazed at everything that you have been committed to, that you are capable of the evolutionary process at its finest. Some of you might not even understand what you have embodied into the physical because you are just so used to it. You may notice that ageing has changed on your planet. People do not age like they used to, they look a lot younger and it is becoming more of the norm. They feel younger, they feel brighter, they feel happier, they feel more energy. This is no coincidence, it is becoming difficult to tell the age of anyone now days. This is only one very visible side affect. The other things are intuitiveness is picking up greatly. How your society is making connections between two people that are thousands of miles and oceans apart and the connection is so strong. 

So strong that you can even build relationships on this connection that sometimes stronger than those that are carried out in the physical. And you may ask how that is so and it is because it is not all about the physical anymore, it is about your consciousness. And when your consciousness is connected to another whether you are in the physical or not, it makes that connection is the strongest. You can be in the physical with someone day after day and just not make that connection on a deep level. And the deepest level of connection is going through those bodies that I brought up before the etheric, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual bodies which then connects you with the soul and when your having soul connections with people it is stronger than anything else. It doesn't matter if you are miles apart, oceans apart, or worlds apart it is the strongest connection.

 And it is formed by the soul which is nothing but pure love and this is what is connecting us. It is not just about emotional love shared between two people, sure this kind of love can be shared between two people but it will not be of the same statue as your typical human emotional love. And it does not always mean that it has to be shared in that way either. Love is a force, love is a vibration, love is the highest energy that anyone can conceive of and this is what is making the connection. 

Even we have some of you, some individuals are able to make that connection with many by the work that you do, by your music, by your art, by your assisting in light work, energy work, assisting personally in the evolution of the planet and we see that love is this force. While many of you are taught about science and equations, even quantum physics. The thing that is not told, shared by scientists is the force of love. Love is a vibrational force, it is the strongest force that any of us will ever know and it is the force that will bring all of us together. Not only on your planet, not only your solar system, your universe but all of us together in the force of love.
Channelled by Alaraea heart emoticon