pirmdiena, 2015. gada 14. decembris

Vibration is the natural state of being for all expressions of Source.

Vibration is the natural state of being for all expressions of Source. You cannot stop vibrating, but it is possible to slow it down or to speed it up. Slowing it down gives you a denser experience of reality. Speeding it up gives you a lighter experience of reality. You can see from that explanation that there is no right and no wrong. These are all choices that you make to give yourselves an experience of reality. This is why you will never experience judgment from Source.


Archangel Michael ~ The Evolution of Your Consciousness

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Vibration is the natural state of being for all expressions of Source. You cannot stop vibrating, but it is possible to slow it down or to speed it up. Slowing it down gives you a denser experience of reality. Speeding it up gives you a lighter experience of reality.
You can see from that explanation that there is no right and no wrong. These are all choices that you make to give yourselves an experience of reality. This is why you will never experience judgment from Source.
You will never experience judgment because the speed at which you choose to vibrate puts you in harmony with others who are vibrating at that speed. So you are all being given the opportunity to have an experience of that particular frequency of vibration.
And as you all decide that you want to raise your vibration, you get to have a different experience of reality, of yourselves, and of one another. Condemnation is of a lower vibration, and it will keep you stuck right where you are, having the same type of experience that you’ve been having.
And that is what makes acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go your ultimate pathways to a higher vibrational experience. And then you get to have a whole new reality with different versions of the same people that you once condemned. That is evolution.
That is the evolution of your consciousness, and that is inevitable. When you make this a conscious journey, however, you experience yourselves as creator beings. And that is truly the most satisfying experience of your evolution.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”
Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel blocked, ready to give up? We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. For All the Details and to schedule with us you can Follow this Link: http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d
Connect with MotherGod~Mother of Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8