svētdiena, 2015. gada 6. decembris

Over the next 3 days (Dec 6 – 8, 2015), we’re all going to be ‘attracted’ or pulled into

Over the next 3 days (Dec 6 – 8, 2015), we’re all going to be ‘attracted’ or pulled into alignment with the people, pathways, paradigms that call to our Spirits... – as The Sun conjuncts the Great Attractor (14 Sagittarius). Some of you will be discovering teachers and guides who can help you, and others will walk away from them. The question here is not about truths or teachers themselves (or lack thereof), but how you resonate with those truths and the larger belief systems that underpin them. Some of you may also discover the Teacher within.…/the-sun-conjuncts-the-great-att…


Over the next 3 days (Dec 6 – 8, 2015), we’re all going to be ‘attracted’ or pulled into alignment with the people, pathways, paradigms that call to our Spirits – as The Sun conjuncts the Great Attractor (14 Sagittarius). Some of you will be discovering teachers and guides who can help you, and others will walk away from them. The question here is not about truths or teachers themselves (or lack thereof), but how you resonate with those truths and the larger belief systems that underpin them. Some of you may also discover the Teacher within.
It’s also a time where many may travel, begin new adventures, engage with academia, organized religion or other institutions that make specific, authoritative claims over knowledge. Those of you getting astrology or tarot readings, or dealing with spiritual teachers in the next three days – bear in mind that the work you do now will be unusually powerful.
Ensure that you trust your facilitator, and that s/he is willing to respect your Journey without imposing their view as Absolute.
It’s probably not the best time to get into the ‘my Path is Better than Your Path Debate’ as really, what we choose to believe has more to do with ourselves, than any external measure of it.
My suggestion is to instead, use this energy to find the path that brings you the most expanded perspective of who you are and where your horizons (currently) reach out to.
Venus in Scorpio (Dec 4/5 – Dec 29/30, 2015) – Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be drawn towards the darker, hidden, unacknowledged sides of our psyches. Some of this will come up as you seek to merge your energies and resources with another – be in in the bedroom, or the boardroom.
It is also a fantastic time to question and explore the way in which we embody different aspects of The Shadow / The Dark Archetype and its connection with the Sacred Feminine. Bear in mind that there many gifts within these hidden spaces, the black, sacred, ground within. Whilst this journey of intense self-reflection may be uncomfortable for some, it can be a deeply rewarding path or perspective to take.
Whilst associated with death, crisis and trauma- Scorpio is also the sign of healing, rebirth and alchemical regeneration.
Balance whatever deeper work that you do at this time with play – things that are uplifting, uncomplicated, joyful – both vibes are equally important. If you’ve forgotten how to play, just look at a happy baby or young child :) (or cute furbaby of your choice)
Vesta’s re-entry into Aries (Dec 3/4, 2015 – March 7/8, 2016) – Vesta now begins a new astrological cycle – her transit around the zodiac over the next 3.5 years (till April 2019). We’re going to be burning through what remains of the ego-self (which we can get to this time around), and finding deeper parts of ourselves from which we can be of service.
We’re being asked to listen to our instincts and our body’s inner wisdom as we embody a particular type or path of facilitation (for self and others).
Whilst Aries can be impulsive and run head-strong into things without permission or cause, it is the same energy of the pioneer, the one who ‘breaks through’.
The question is – where is that impulse coming from – Ego? Heart? Spirit? – and have you fine-tuned yourself to tell the difference yet?
Much of these answers also relate to the path of service we choose to undertake within this lifetime. The more we are conscious of our motivations (and how they change), the more aware we become of our energy and the work that we do with others.
Summary – Taking it all together, it’s a fantastic time to get deep, to get real, to connect with the Sacred Feminine, and the Fires of the Awakening Self. Over the next three days, pay attention to whom you meet, the decisions you take, the ideas you have or encounter. They could well pave the way for another chapter of growth and experience within your life.
Some of you will experience a profound paradigm shift at this time. Some will embrace it with open arms, minds, hearts and bodies. And others will bitterly resist it as it challenges the truths they have become comfortable with identifying with. What response you have depends on upon your relationship with the idea of Truth … with a capital ‘T’.
Additional Info:
The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly in space denser than the mass of 1000 trillion Suns, located in a fairly mysterious zone in the Cosmos known as the ‘Zone of Avoidance’. Whenever the Great Attractor (14 Sagittarius) is activated – this time, by the Sun’s transit -, we see an intense focus on issues surrounding belief systems, paradigms, religions, world-views, long-distance travel, visas, citizenship, etc.
The Great Attractor takes no hostages, and often leads to the expression of information or perspectives that can be sharply polarizing – it leads to a ‘love it or hate it’ type of response by fairly large groups of people. It is not a private revelation, but one that involves the masses and their reactions in one form or another.
From an earlier article on the Sun’s Trine to the Great Attractor (8 August 2015) ~