pirmdiena, 2015. gada 2. novembris

Happy November, 11/1 - 11/11

11/1 - 11/11
Happy November,

 There are shifts taking place where we the forerunners (first waves) are re-formatting the new templates. From now on, many of you are ready to interpret the crystal codes as you are connecting the each grid and re-member the decoding process of your starseed (reconnecting your natural state) embedded patterns that you carry with. Prepare your energy field for the 11/1 - 11/11 Purifying and resetting gateway. Bouncing back and forth with old patterns (Scorpio will go visit each subconscious rooms to see which parts are not aligned with your new updated - upgraded self). Keep your focus on grounding your energy field. Stay in the NOW moment and keep your focus on lifting up what it coming up for view for you to release and reset for a new to be born. What is feeling tight and outdated that is haunting is your old patterns showing its true colors for you to see the truth that you have been keeping yourself into as a victim/powerless energy. Fear not, as what is hidden is coming up to the light so you can realize what you are constantly keeping yourself in to the intense push / pull polarization of dualistic mind control/3D.

 If opening up feels painful to the new uploads, going down shrinking and keeping yourself hidden will feel as much as painful as well. Stay on your neutral heart space to enhance the releasing process. Releasing process of all those feelings that is keeping you in that push / pull polarization where you can't find any similarity anymore. The more you release and not cling anything too long to keep yourself dramatic and reactive (mind loves it); the more you will feel the natural state of your heart space "knowing" and recognizing the mental statics. Therefore, you might catch anything (any thought patterns) that could disturb the connection and you could easily stay neutral with being anchored into your zero point within.
Don't fall into the trap of your mind; where your loved ones mind's is taking a huge space in your thoughts. Thinking about another's unconsciousness could only keep you busy with unconsciousness. Stay on track of your own thoughts. Feeling pity could only lower your frequency. And mind will create many stories over feeling self-pity. If you are at this point of consciousness, understanding this far and found many like you are; you are not what your family thinks of you or your loved ones. Every time you react and feel upset about what others' thinking of you; you are reacting to their mind. Get out of that polarization. It creates more chaos. And you never get anywhere by judging someone's judgement. It is the mind that makes them react like that, just like you. So hold a neutral heart space. Focus on your own self work and when you achieve a clarity, share with them so they can learn. Release the old 3D patterns within, like needing to be heard, needing to be understood, needing people around to pay attention, etc.. These are old patterns. And reflections will show you where you are. Keep your energy focus on the portal and the grid each day so you can upload and release more easily and catch the higher waves without mind disturbing the process.

 More later ... wink emoticon
Much Love,
Denize Sarikoz