trešdiena, 2015. gada 4. novembris

Gaia Earth Star

My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,
I wish to share with you a Goddess Empowerment Affirmation to assist you navigate the Jupiter-Chiron opposition. Sensitivity on the rise! Remember, you are a powerful co-creator not a victim even when a situation seems unfair. You are just balancing karma. Rise above it, flow through it and be empowered! This is Mastery in practice. Breathe, stay in the NOW. Observe the fear and let it dissolve within the Light of your Soul. There is a way through any blocks and the way is through; vibrate the Light of your Soul and the path shall be cleared. You can do it!
You are not alone <333 This is a collective Soul Initiation we are going through. As each one of us choose the path of empowerment, we assist all of our Sisters and Brothers to free themselves from the cycle of pain and suffering. Chanting and/or listening to OM MANI PADME HUM will also be helpful, the Mantra of Compassion and Oneness.

My Higher Soul Self, please assist me to heal this situation with forgiveness, grace, compassion and self-love, feeling empowered and freeing myself from this karmic cycle and all others directly or indirectly involved in all directions of time. I choose to vibrate Unconditional Love no matter the appearances knowing that we are ONE. I AM the Light of my SOUL. Amen and so it is!
I also suggest "Healing with Chiron the Wounded Healer"…/p…/healing-chiron-wounded-healer/