ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 5. novembris

Divine Message is PRIORITIZE

Gaia Earth Star Magdalene Goddess Empowerment, November 5th 2015
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

Today as the Moon Goddess moves through Virgo her Divine Message is PRIORITIZE. We are coming closer to Saturn exact square to Neptune and we are being supported to build new structures, new foundations, new ways of relating and co-creating from our Ascended 5th Dimensional Soul Self. Simply said, we are being assisted to GROUND the 5th Dimension Light Energies so we can co-create in the physical the NEW EARTH. Saturn always brings FOCUS and COMMITMENT, choose your priorities wisely. Saturn in Sagittarius is doing the ground work relating to the collective beliefs systems. Basically all religious-spiritual systems which creates separation are bound to dissolve back to the Oneness of the Heart of CREATION. What separates us is usually a belief which underlines fear, the good old illusion of separation. When we dwell in the Wisdom of our Heart there is no separation.

 On the other hand, we are ONE but as John Lennon said we are not the same. We are ALL unique vortexes, universes! So it is about being our authentic soul self, dwelling in our Heart Space, our compassionate Heart, so we can bridge all those infinite universes that each of us are and live harmoniously and peacefully, embracing each other's differences without feeling threatened by them or judging them. We are collectively doing a REDEMPTION work as Jupiter moves through VIRGO, oh yes, let me repeat this again COLLECTIVE as ALL is ONE. We are clearing those separating entities within our own being and consciousness. It won't happen in a day but well there is only the NOW so...it all begins with YOU. One simple commitment one can make is to choose to live in One's Heart Space no matter the non -sense and chaos out there. Mainly when you are personally affected by it, that is self-mastery. Choosing to stay OPEN when all doors seems to be closing. When you dwell in your Heart space, you dwell there because you remember it is your Essence not because it is "spiritually fashionable!". Ha...spirituality, spirituality...this is usually where there is much confusion, in "spiritual circles" as one think they have got the truth! There is no truth, there is no path! The path is the UNKNOWN where you meet the GODDESS herself and awaken her presence within your own SACRED HEART. She is an experience not a belief and what makes my Heart sing is that she is awakening in more Hearts! You cannot take away the experience and that is the POWER of the Goddess returning on Earth, awakening from the long slumber of the Dark Age.

 Yesterday, I was facilitating a soul channeling for a beloved sister who is right now taking some yoga/meditation training in Thailand. When Mother Earth calls you, GO! And part of the channeling was about cultivating inner silence which creates a space, an openness where one can start to experience one's own INFINITY. One can practice meditation, yoga and so forth, thinking enlightenment is near but let me tell you this, if the Heart is not open, it is simply another way of escaping REALITY. Anyways, no judgement here simply AWARENESS.

 Enlightenment is simply seeing through the eyes of your Soul and all shall have that self-realization...in divine soul timing. In the meantime keep loving yourself all along the way!

 Don't try, ALLOW, do things that nurture your Soul, trust your SELF and follow your HEART. Spend time with the Goddess herself, Mother Earth. Let her awaken your ancient memory from within your being.

 You are all that there is and ever will be and it is your choice to choose self-empowerment guided by the Inner Light of your Soul. There is not one recipe, not one size fit all. It just does not exist. Allow yourself to dive into the depth of your being-ness, just allow and from that place of allowing, the unfolding of your true essence will begin to become conscious to you. It is there, all you dream of, all you long for is right within you, you just have not yet allowed yourself to experience it. Have PATIENCE. Enjoy the JOURNEY. There is no where to go really, this is what we all find out when we awaken to our innate state of Enlightenment. What you find out is that your Heart is OPEN, you can now consciously live your Life feeling connected to ALL. This is very real and there is no escape. You cannot escape yourself, you are INFINITY, there is no exit door to infinity! Have FAITH in yourself, love and cherish yourself and remember the only hell that exists is in your MIND. And HEAVEN is found in your HEART. This is the Golden Age. Being Heaven on Earth. Simple. Drop your expectation about how you should be, drop your self imposed burdens, state to yourself I AM FREE, I AM UNBURDENED, I LOVE MYSELF, I AM that I AM. And So It Is! 

 Allow your Mind to surrender to your Heart and you shall experience the birthing of the NEW EARTH within your SELF. Amen and so it is🌹

This picture was taken earlier this year at my favorite place on Earth, Red Rock Crossing Temple of Isis. Soak in the Goddess Energy!
ANNOUNCING! Magdalene Goddess Retreat in Avalon from Dec. 10th to 13th!http://gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/glastonbury-retreat/

Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Pleiadian Goddess Magdalene of the New Earth!
High Priestess Queen of Avalon
Soul Astrologer