otrdiena, 2015. gada 20. oktobris

We're in the countdown to tomorrow afternoon

Star Sister Astrology

We're in the countdown to tomorrow afternoon, when Luna enters her First Quarter phase -- the next phase of our cosmic stretching. The Cosmos within you and the Cosmos around you are on a mission to expand your ability to contain energy. And if you're like most people I'm hearing from, you're feeling the burn from the multidimensional workout!

The next few days will be more of the same -- and blessings will be surrounding you at every turn. The setbacks and roadblocks are just capacity tests, star peeps. Don't get discouraged. Hold space for the magic instead. Because it's there, tucked into every moment. Jupiter, Venus, and Mars are taking care of that. So be wabi sabi, as the Japanese say, and see the perfection in every imperfect moment. And watch for the blessings