svētdiena, 2015. gada 18. oktobris

**Old Patterns & Re-alignment** (Energy Report)

 At last, we are leaving the survival consciousness behind but how ego(mind) is holding onto the protection, its own defense system to keep us reactive, down, in the survival consciousness like its holding a shield for us to stay the same also keep us numb energetically. 

 Protection is a very essential dilemma for the mind, because without the protection need it pushes us to the protecting others or the opposite we could totally become careless and destructive. Our DNA programming from our parents come with that custom, and their DNA's patterns come from their parents. It is like a tradition where you have to fill in its customs to stay at a certain frequency level. That's how you create your circumstances that holds you as a glue to project more of what you hold within. So imagine a inner mirror is constantly projecting the patterns you hold within as your patterns & survival system. If you crave too much earthly emotions, desires within to take over you (this has to do with your evolutionary cycle and where you are on your etheric level) so you can require more lessons and more of the 'karmic' cycles which could free you from your (darwin theory) of leaving your primitive survival level of existence and achieve your higher level of consciousness where you can a frequency level & re-alignment level with your higher self ...and ALL THAT IS..

 When we enter into our free of mind/ego control and feel the heart space; ....mind interprets this as a sign of weakness. Depends on your cultural programming, your mind can make you more wild and restless if you are breaking down the walls of this veil. Veil of your DNA's patterns has created for your survival consciousness to subconsciously make you feel protected and safe. So if you have this veil and you are just realizing something is constantly making you push back from liberation of your mind control; (the patterns that keep you safe subconsciously that your mind has created for its survival module) you could feel the intense pull back to the "feelings of fear, fears of loosing (anything), sharp pains of old self leaving your system but becoming more reactive and defensive...and etc.

 So take a closer look at your energy level, are you in the too much pushing and requesting level or too much pulled and feeling victimized level? This will tell how much your veil is resisting you to keep you in the same level of frequency. Where you always feel the fear, keep your protection mode on, stay defensive, victimized, misunderstood and explosive (because of resisting all the time)...
Stay more observer when you find yourself creating drama, or looking for a problem to feel alive if you seem to get addictive "thinking" in that way all the time. You don't have to participate in any energy battles with others, if you seem to not having fun with that level. Not many people will realize this around you where they are having a inner battle with their mind as the energies are pushing us to release these patterns. So their mind and their reflection could drown you as well as trigger you to feel defensive and reactive. But if you stay reactive and let your mind disturb you with these old patterns vs. re-alignment stages; it will become a huge empty space where you can no more fill with anything you can recall. And realignment is your reminder that what you are aligning yourself unto will liberate you to stay connected your zero point within. It is a matter of where your attention goes; if you keep your focus on the resistance of the mind (even judging and trying to stay away from people in low frequency is a resisting) then you would have more of that magnified more than before. Or you could focus on evolutionary stage and see everything from that level. So if you are not reacting and staying in your heart space is just because "evolutionary" stage of your re-alignment is still in process. And it is the same for everyone else from that oneness point of view. If they can't react from that higher self level; they are not in their higher evolutionary stage and not re-aligned to their natural state. This shall keep everything in neutral perspective. Judgment and resistance can seize, as well as dualistic view could fade away. Stay open to elevate your mind unto your evolutionary stage and release the old dualistic patterns....

 More later wink emoticon
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,