trešdiena, 2015. gada 16. septembris

We have now entered a HUge Shift Portal

We have now entered a HUge Shift Portal --- from the New Moon to the Full Moon 13 - 28/9 (or 12 - 27/9 depending on your geolocation)... a scintillating string of cosmic gateways sparkling with cosmic alignments, ascension energies and galactic messages...

 The incoming energies are flooding our collective heart and "flushing out" vestiges of old emotional responses. If you have been feeling emotional and have had thoughts, memories and longings re surface from an "older version of you", know that this is a side effect produced by a deeper anchoring of the new codes that are grounding, through us, into Gaia.

 There is no hiding now. This is what you asked for. This is what we have all been waiting for and it will be intense, it will move you along in one way or another and your willingness to enter into a conscious dance with these new energies will make it an easier and more fruitful passage.

 So many of us are focused on shifting some aspect of our lives right now, on freeing that vision of self that has been denied expression and creativity, that has been submerged by our fears, by our conditioning, our judgments and limiting beliefs... That part of you is waking now... it knows that it is time for it to step out and be part of the transformation... your transformation... the collective's transformation... the planetary logos' transformation.

 Gaia must now shift into a higher vibration in order to thrive (and survive) and you are part of her... you ARE HER. Let there be no mistake... we, the planet and all life on it are ONE. The separation does not exist. That is the lie that has brought this 3D timeline to a dead end. The only viable way is a new way... a new timeline which can only be accessed through the changes we are willing to make within ourselves, within our consciousness.

 This is an inside job. We have come to believe that reality is something external, objective. Something to be manipulated in the outside world of phenomena. We have become identified with our earthly projections and have lost contact with our essence. Well yes, we are remembering and that is what all this is about...

 Nothing can transform outside of our consciousness. A policy or political change cannot deliver results unless there is an accompanying change in consciousness. This is why all revolutions fail and eventually produce the same type of repressive regime they sought (and fought) to abolish. You cannot free yourself from something by fighting it. Fighting as a vibration can only bring in a similar vibration. This is the message and position of the Dalai Lama towards the invasion of Tibet. Because there is a quickening now, we will be able to see the return effect of the vibration that we put out much more quickly now --and for this same reason, and because so many more of us are making those changes inside our own consciousness, we will soon see a free Tibet as well.

 It takes an immense amount of trust to be this allowing towards creation --but only until we realize that 3D is a playback density... a projection screen for what is playing out in our consciousness. Just like on any playback, no matter how much you fiddle with control(s), you are only going to be able to play over the same scenes... sure, you may perceive it as a different story, just as when you watch a movie over it seems to you that you are seeing things you did not see at the previous viewing... and sometimes you come to a completely new understanding of what the movie is about... So there is benefit in playing things over because there can be new learning in it... but ultimately, only a different vibration delivers a different experience.

 There is a lot of yelling and shouting in the collective now... and there are positive aspects to this. It is important that full transparency be accomplished because that is what drops the collective veil, pierces the collective denial, cracks open collective inertia and defeats the escalating fear mongering which is nothing other than a last ditch effort to hold the crumbling matrix in place.
But we must remember that we are transforming the planet through raising our vibration and staying connected to a vision of wholeness and beauty. Dwelling on all the terrible things that are going on in the world only holds that reality in place... it counteracts your efforts to raise your vibration...

 As empaths we are easily pulled into emotional energy fields and it is important to keep remembering that much of what you are feeling is the collective field clearing. But we may also have personal things that come up. Especially now, in this magnified window of healing, this planetary cleansing and upgrade portal.
It is so easy to get lost in our emotions... they will magnetically pull us into a belief about lack, about having to "face and fix" problems... How often have you labored at shifting something only to run into repeat situations and once you stopped trying to change it and just put it aside and focused on bliss the situation shifted by itself?

 If there is anything within us that is still rooted in the limiting beliefs of the old paradigm it WILL come up. It is not coming up because you have somehow dropped into a lower vibration or reverted to some old pattern (unless, of course, you choose to believe this).

 It is coming up as an opportunity to practice choice, to see each moment as a potential timeline shift... You can choose the one in which you have, yet again, somehow, ended up with an unwanted experience --or... one in which you recognize that what is coming up is an old emotion, thought, memory, belief, perspective... simply to be released... Let it be an offering, a give-away party helping you make space, re-organize, re-create yourself in order to move into greater spaciousness.

 Whenever you feel challenged, it is the new energies questioning you: who are you?... what do you believe?... can you let go of this?... is it done serving you?... are you ready to move on?

 You created this very moment for yourself as an opportunity to step into greater clarity... to choose... to remember that you are not only at the receiving end of this (and every other) experience... You unravel this gradually... through remembering and forgetting and remembering again... You need to be gentle with yourself during this process... and forgiving... yet willing to examine and re-examine what it is that you believe --this is key... this is the way you expand your knowing... always ready to move from new insight to newer insight...
This is greatly accelerated now. Things will come up for review swiftly and there will be less time to pause in between insights. This is what this string of gateways is all about. It is quickening the pace of our ascension journey. It is requiring that we relax into a state of greater allowing, to trust the rapid rate of transformation.

 Because these gateways are so studded with new information, so infused with light codes, so full of DNA activations and upgrades, so power packed with awakening downloads and so open to galactic contact --it can, at times, feel both overwhelming and deeply seeded with urgency.

 This IS a very intense passage but regardless of how it makes you FEEL the best response is to breathe deeply and RELAX. When you take the time to stop and center you will see that the urgency and intensity diminish. It is from this state that you can best tune into your deeper knowing and wisdom and bring forth more of your authentic self. For this is your time now, a time for you to embody more of your gifts and potential, to know more of your multidimensional self and to come into greater resonance with your own creative flow.

 And all this will come forth of its own accord as you relax, allow and trust that your highest path is right there in front of you.
~ Eyona Cvitan
~~ Evolutionary Earth Ascending ~~
Photo/body art by John Poppleton