svētdiena, 2015. gada 6. septembris

~ September Wave X Energy Shifts ~

"You are probably noticing huge changes unfolding in your life… These changes are due to the energy of accelerated ascension, which can otherwise be described as an Ascension Energy Wave.
Through September 28th the energy will really be heightened, as the Earth physically and metaphysically aligns with a huge series of transformational energy waves. Our lesson and opportunity now is to ride these waves of light into new possibilities rather than being dragged down into the undercurrent.
September energy wave’s purpose is to cleanse the consciousness of humanity, raising our vibration, and shifting us individually and collectively into living in a new paradigm.
This is an opening, an opportunity for humanity as a collective consciousness to become more awakened than ever before, and to shift out of the old paradigm of fear, control and manipulation into higher vibrations of LOVE, PEACE, and COOPERATION. This is ascension, and we have the incredible opportunity to live through it now. We’re evolving into the highest possible versions of ourselves.
This can manifest in so many ways like increased physical and spiritual abilities, new technology, advanced creativity, expanded intelligence, and awareness in multiple dimensions, tuning into an expanded cosmic perspective, and so much more.
As the energy continues to elevate, keep your heart open, your feet grounded to the earth and your spirit elevating in light, rising into it’s highest vibrational form.
It is also a time of letting go of all that does not serve you… Let go, release, and step through the doors of infinite possibility opening before you.
~ What do you want to experience in the new paradigm?
~ What do you want this light wave of energy to mean for you?

Anything is possible… Now more than ever. Clear your mind, open your heart and get clear about what you truly desire… Not just material desires, and physical things… Go deeper than that.
Now is the time of aligning with the infinite, brilliant, unlimited possibility that is your highest spiritual light and authentic truth.
Don’t try to limit the unlimited.
You can also support yourself during the shifting energy by maintaining a high vibration, staying positive, eating healthy, and making conscious choices to be impeccable in all areas of your life. This choice will offer you a solid foundation of love that you can lean on as the light increases, builds, and draws to the surface all lower vibrations to be released.
Lower vibrations, patterns, thought forms, and situations will come up in your experience so they can be released, to make way for increased light to ground, and enter in.
Be willing to let them go.
You can’t take old energy, grudges, limiting thoughts, limiting beliefs or trauma into the higher realms… Let these vibrational patterns go as they appear, so you can ride the light wave into new possibility.
Take good care of yourself during these times of accelerated ascension and increased change. Be willing to change, be adaptable, and go with the flow.
Treating yourself with immense self love and care will support you in this transition. And of course keep calling on your teams of spirit guides, angels and ascended masters who are very real, present, able and willing to help you .
If you’re not sure what to do, or how to respond… Let love be your guide… Keep shifting back into love. Into gratitude, forgiveness, and into a willingness to let Divine presence guide you into the infinite light and love that awaits.
This shift is happening for everyone in one way or another. The ascension energy is affecting the planet, humanity, and all species. When you look for it you will see manifestations of ascension happening in many ways, shapes, colors, sizes and forms.
This is the new earth emerging from within the old… Look for it. See the miracles, the magic and the beauty of humanity collectively returning to love. Notice the rallies for peace, the lies exposed, and the tyrannical manipulations exposed.
Notice the new emerging from the ashes of the old.
Look for new solutions, new possibilities, and new potential as humanity works together to heal itself, heal the Earth, co-create with one another and positively impact All.
More will be awakening now, shedding off the grogginess of a long deep slumber, and those who have awakened will reach a new height.
Listen to your body, as it will tell you what it needs during this shift too. Rest when you need to, change your diet as you’re inspired, let go of ingesting toxins… Take care.
Flow with the ascension changes of light already streaming onto your planet, and quickly increasing to continue to accelerate this Divinely inspired, guided, and fulfilled shift. Act upon your inner intuition, return to love, open your heart to yourself and to others and enjoy the shift you are living through now.
You’re shifting on every level. Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual…. Don’t resist the changes… Embrace the light of the Divine that is accessible within you. This will support you through your transition. Enter within. Open your heart. Let your light shine.
It is no mistake you are here.
This is the opportunity we have been waiting for.
The time is now."

~ By Melanie Beckler, with guidance from Archangel Metatron
-- abridged and adapted, read full text at:…/september-ascension-energy-wave/