sestdiena, 2015. gada 12. septembris

No 13.09. līdz 28.09. ir tā sauktais "aptumsuma sezonas koridoris",

"Nejaušības pēc šobrīd nav nekas, viss ir mūsu dvēseles dievišķās orķestra un Visuma spēku vadīts! "
No 13.09. līdz 28.09. ir tā sauktais "aptumsuma sezonas koridoris", būs daļējs saules aptumsums un daļējs mēness aptumsums.

"Lūk kāds ieteikums :
Ja prasi labāku dzīvi, tad beidz gaidīt, kad tā pati vnk atnāks pie Tevis. Ir nepieciešama darbība, kas apstiprina Tavus sapņus un šajā laikā Visums ar aptumsumiem Tev dos izvēles iespējas - Tevi aicinās iziet ārpus ierastās komforta zonas!..un kad Tu to izdarīsi, Tu saņemsi savas atbildes un risinājumus, kas paši pie Tevis nāks! "

Pastirpini un apstiprini savus sapņus ar reālu rīcību, darbību, virzību...

 DaRi / RaDi..

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COSMIC CLEAN OUT THIS WEEKEND: OK, first off I want to say that the Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon this weekend are good for you! So let's look forward to t...his event...Why? Well, you are being shown how resilient and self-reliant you are for starters. Many people are expressing concern about this weekend and wishing it would hurry up and be over with. Yet if you think like that you're going to miss the gold in this cosmic event...
Well, for one it opens the door on two power weeks. From September 13 - 28 we are in the eclipse doorway. We are being given opportunities to prove our worth. You will notice that synchronicity is everywhere. Nothing is per chance right now, all is divinely orchestrated by your soul and the universal forces.

You can't just ask for a better life and then sit back and wait for it to come to you. You need to take actions that support your dreams. The eclipse will bring you choices. You will be asked to step out of of your comfort zone and only THEN will your answers and solution's will come to you. Got it?
Want to know more and why 1997 is back for a replay? READ ON for the FULL TIP-OFF ECLIPSE issue...your daily global energy forecasts and life guidance, 7-days in advance. Receive your 13 page BONUS Essential Guide to The Eclipses. ACT NOW for instant Tip-Off access or learn more
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