svētdiena, 2015. gada 13. septembris


*Energy Report*
Energies are cooking up the old stuff that we have within. Any area of your life that holds a thick victimhood mentality will be obvious for you to see right now. Are you holding it dearly? Then, you will feel the strong discomfort and irritation. The connection we have been anchoring and clearing the statics between our higher self and the lower self will let us feel the urgency. Urgency of higher self’s landing request for our lower self. Just like a plane is sending its request for landing to the control center, higher self is waiting for us to pay attention to the coming home phase, the metamorphosis.

 Meanwhile, the lower is self panicking and mind is trying its best to stay the same. Everything could feel like magnified or under a magnifier perspective with the intense need of cooling off from the old dense mind control energy field. While staying in the heart center is waiting for you to be your natural state but aligning your mind unto your higher self and anchor into your zero point zone is just like your higher self plane is experiencing turbulences on the way preparing to land. You can feel the heart zone taking over your busy & cloudy mind’s insisting tactics to put you back on the “mind control”. But it is just like wearing a small size shoe, your higher self will let you release the unnecessary “leftover” dense mind-clouds. You could easily see how much the old patterns are no longer valid energy source when you don’t seem to volunteer any unconsciousness in it. Any area you have been missing will pop up and show itself for you to upgrade it.

 The shifts will break all the barriers between you and your connection and could challenge on how to stay center within the process. Blocks that you have within, at first, needs to be recognized then gently released by your own loving attention. But mind hast its own way of tricking the process at each high awareness attempt. It could drive you to focus on what is missing and lacking or what is going away instead of letting you focus on what is coming up as new, upgraded, and empowerment.
Staying on track of what is happening and how we are transforming up to a higher level of consciousness bring out all the hidden addictive emotional inner knots that we have kept so close to our every day living mentality. Some of you are still working on how to stay neutral and not to react to people around you that pushing your buttons and disturbing your inner calmness. But that might be just your higher self is having you sharpening you how to stay in flow and prepare you for your “conscious” creating level, for the next.

 You might find yourself very reactive and sensitive towards people but you are reacting to their low frequency which in polarity with your raising vibration. So your mind is keeping you reactive by feeling it’s doing its best to keep you in the same frequency…Because it is used to stay “reactive” so this polarization and constantly reacting (resisting) seems normal for that dualistic energy pattern. So it is just like a trap. We fall into it, every time we react to the low frequency. The mind wants to react and will find anything for a reason to stay reactive.

 Meanwhile mind is still working on its own rebooting system of calibrating the energy influx. So you must have an idea about what you have been repeating and not being able to get out energy circles with people for that reason as well. So for you to get out of this tight knot feeling of staying in between is to stay more observer if you are getting drifted by the busy mind. If you are reactive more than ever, you have to occupy your energy field by being conscious driver in it. So it starts with your mind, body, and your own energy field of how you keep it daily.

 If your mind and what needs to be released is insisting on coming up and taking over your attention; just focus on your higher self is being right there and guiding you at each step. And waiting for you to clear the space so you can recognize what needs to be done from that observer point. If you don’t give a power to your any thought, any attack, or any strong emotion arise; you can easily see they won’t have any power to take over and keep you down energetically. So staying observer long enough to recognize that you have a choice the way you react or not. As well as staying calm to choose your desired reaction and the way you could feel what is keeping you in the flow with your thoughts and emotions.

Many of us are ready to stay in the flow and exhilarate the mastery but it takes practice and experiment to see where we are. Watching your thoughts, staying in the flow and recognize the polarization with people energetically could overwhelm many of us but we are learning to use these new energetic systems that will release the old & outdated mind patterns. So focus on feeling your higher self, let it guide you. Sometimes your only needed guide is your own breath that you catch. If you keep your mind and your reaction powered up by the low frequency, you could face very disturbing mental patterns that many people are releasing right now. If you are feeling like you can’t take no more new uploads because you have been receiving so much that needs to clear the old stuff.
Using your higher perspective to recognize what needs to be done in the crisis of others experiencing their emotional dilemma will assist you to stay calm and conscious of your own energy field. The more you are tuning into your higher self and letting yourself release the old programming; the more you will feel you are guided and know what to do. Let go the feeling guilt. That is the old patterns that was keeping us shameful of working for our oneness with everything. We don't need to use guilt to guide us. If you can't do what it's right for you that you felt; how you are going to do what is right for others?

 Keep staying neutral and apply more love to your surroundings. Just do your own part. You don’t have to do everything for everybody. They need to do and learn too.
More later wink emoticon
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,
Denize Sarikoz