pirmdiena, 2015. gada 14. septembris

Current Energy Update – Eclipse Stillness – New Moon Adventure

What did just happen ? We are already halfway through september and the last few days just flew by. We just went through an eclipse portal and a new moon on the same day, which is an auspicious time for another Rebirth.  What does that mean ?
The eclipse and the new moon energies are, of course, beautifully working in synergy. How I see them is the polarity of ” death” and “birth” creating the “rebirth.” Rebirth is clearly a theme of the moment. Let me explain my feeling on how these seemingly opposites are divinely facilitating this rebirth process and how this inevitably may not only affect us, but every single atom in creation, especially the Earth evolution.
I feel the eclipse energies as breaking down the old; breaking down old patterns, old ways of being, of thought patterns, old dysfunctional energy between individuals – old relationship patterns, stored emotions on a cellular level and pretty much anything you can think of as old and no longer serving the highest good. This is the ultimate transmutation. By that I mean that it goes straight to the core, to the deepest corners of of our beingness and rips all the old masks and dysfunction from there. I see it as clogged, foggy, illusionary energy. You might have experienced it before, there are layers.
When that energy is being completely transformed, you are experiencing true metamorphosis – “the death,” and “birth.” Fear not, in fact, fear nothing. The term “death” is metaphorical, many have called it “dark night of the Soul. ” Although that is probably not the best term. It’s simply a soul-human metamorphosis.  You might be more guided to go inward more often during these moments and when we live aware in the present, that comes naturally. But we might still feel a lot more inclined than usual to just shut all the outside noise and precisely focus on the voices within. As always, let your heart be the guide. Each journey is unique.
As we have the eclipse stripping away the old, we have the new moon in Virgo helping us create the new. That includes doing some “gardening, ” as in planting seeds for the next phase, anchoring the new waves of light that are currently coming in, getting some clarity about what we really want to create and because it’s a new moon in virgo, the intentions are going to be more specific, precise, focused.
At the same time, we must be flexible and open to script changes. Jupiter and Neptune opposing each other will help that. Set the intentions and let the Universe take care of the details, using your preferable ways of doing that and let it all unfold. This doesn’t mean being passive. The universe brings all the opportunities to you to move forward on your path, to grow and to expand, but it won’t do it for  you. You are the one who needs to empower and love yourself enough to take action towards manifesting your dreams into your current physical reality. Know that everything always reveals itself to you at the right moment, reflect on past situations and how it all worked out as it was supposed to, in alignment with your highest path and deepest Soul growth process.
We do not need to know all the details because, first of all, that would be so very boring and secondly, it would change things, it would affect our growth in ways that would counteract our expansion.
So, you see, as the eclipse energies are asking us to go inward, to cultivate stillness either from the noise of the environment or our own non-stop thinking, while the new moon in Virgo is bringing with it a sense of adventure, new beginnings, the next phase of our Soul purpose. The “polarities” are unifying and working harmoniously for the highest good of all.
At the end of the day, all we need to do is surrender and flow with the changes in the moment, however that moment looks like. The waters might be turbulent at times, it might seem like we lose ourselves at one point. In truth, we never lose ourselves, we lose old perceptions of ourselves, old expressions of ourselves that no longer serve us. Let them go, don’t hold onto them. Those troubled waters wash away the old, it assists with the purification of our beingness on more levels. When we’re navigating the troubled waters, it might not always be fun, but it can be as well. We can only try to do our best – to maintain our equilibrium, observe, detach from drama, even from our personal drama. When you see it for what it is, it dissolves. It’s like turning up the lights in a dark room. The darkness in the room dissolves in the presence of the light. Same for drama, when you observe it, it dissolves.
Instead of focusing on the drama, focus on what you really want to create. No, but really, read again – focus on what you really really want to create. Practice this every moment. It’s actually a lot harder than it sounds, as our Soulful creation state is constantly being challenged by outer distractions, or we are purposely (yet most likely unconsciously) distracting ourselves from what we really want to create. Focused Soul intentions are powerful and that is the gift these Virgo energies are activating within us.
Rebirth is to be celebrated. With each rebirth, we become more and more our authentic soul source self as a human and less the expression we used to experience duality/the grand illusion. I feel this could possibly be one of the most profound transmutation wave we’ve experienced so far.
Once again, bring your presence in the moment. The main message is: embrace the moment as it is, for it is all exactly as it should be. When you see the bigger picture, or at least a bigger picture than what you’ve been used to so far, you will realize that all is exactly how it should be and all divinely orchestrated.
Rejoice! These are wonderful moments. Simply learn to dance to the rhythm of the stars.
Thank you for reading,
Love and Light,