svētdiena, 2015. gada 13. septembris

Archangel Metatron - The more we begin to vibrationally align, the more is released

"The more we begin to vibrationally align, the more is released. This can include those that share our life. There are some energies that no longer serve our al...ignment and so we must release. Releasing that which no longer serves. For it is all about vibration. Many are experiencing this. They can no longer toggle between alignment and density, slumber and awakening state within and outside of them/family/friends/acquaintances. No more to toggle. As you let go and release from that which no longer serves your light will align. Releasing from density, selfishness of others, self-centered realities, and ego mentality. It all is no longer part of your divine design. So release, let go, be in your light. As that which no longer serves dissolves. Relationships may alter, and there is a letting go and release from family and acquaintances as it is no longer in line with your A-Line-ment. And more and more as your burdens are dissolved you will lift as light as the stars. Behold the new dawning. Trust in what is shown you thorough relationships, vibrations of others, no more to carry or toggle. Be your divine light. Let no man put asunder".