svētdiena, 2015. gada 7. jūnijs

**We Are Just Guests**

 One of the strongest feelings that we have been clinging on here is that to "think" we own the world. Thinking that it belongs to us. To own something brings the fear of losing it. We have forgotten how much we act like we own the planet Earth. Does it really belong to us? Do we take anything when we leave? We work so hard to own stuff, depend our sense of peace on those belongings, strive to have more and thinking we have the power to rule the world. W...e kill the animals, we consume them, we cut the trees, we make the nature look like a stone city. Aren't we acting like a wild animal? Where do get that idea that we have all the rights to treat the Earth the way we want? It all comes from the inner feeling of fearing to lose something. It comes from fearing to leave from here. But isn't it part of nature to transform into another form and move on from one place to another. Just like a flower first becomes a bud, then blooms into a flower then turns into a leaf. If we were supposed to stay here forever, we would have acted differently but we still try to resist the idea that we would leave someday and we don't own anything. Only this could create polarization inside feeling we have to be something, we have to own more, we have to consume and kill to survive. And this also creates a need to believe in something to hold on to. We create belief systems, we create religions, we create more resistance to react to this natural transformation. 

 Look around you, how much will you be able to take with you if you die tomorrow? How many of you awards will come with you if you leave tomorrow? How much can you kill and disturb the nature to change the calmness and flow of the nature?
Look around you, how much will you get stuck on survival consciousness to forget that you are here as a guest and here to learn and grow.

 Nature treats us like we are its guest of honor. But we treat it like we want to take over and own to control it. It still loves us, it still gives us all the beauty and still smiles us everyday with its seasons, oceans, colors of beauty everyday. When we stop trying to own anything in our lives, we will stop fearing of loosing it too. It goes hand in hand. When we stop fearing of leaving, we will stop clinging on stuff to feel we exist. We will stop looking for anything outside of us to fulfill our inner happiness. We will stop killing the nature, hurting and trying to be better than each other. That would be only co-existence, co-creation, celebration of this beautiful place that we come to visit and learn to grow spiritually. 

 We would stop controlling and trying to own more....because in reality they are both illusion.
more later wink emoticon ....
Today I want to celebrate the nature and want to express my gratefulness to her that she has been a great host for me to grow and learn. I would try to be a great guest for her and cherish her more and more...

 So Much Love,