otrdiena, 2015. gada 2. jūnijs

**Time Is Up**

**Time Is Up**
*Stay Away From Low Density*

 Many sleepy unconscious people are releasing their low frequent layers of strong ego attachments. They are not aware of what's happening so they're in a daze of unconsciousness cage where nothing feels right. Stay out of their releasing where it will affect your inner emotional stability. It could bring out the very old subconscious stuck patterns. More you cleansing the subconscious the more the oldest stuff will come out. Especially if your childhood is full of drama, violent images and emotions. Stay away from low density where everyone is struggling to hold on to others to drag them into their own whirlpool.

 Helping others NOW should be from a neutral and a much higher level where you are holding a LIGHT space for them (by focusing on your own energy field only) to see what type of old energy and strong mind/ego attachments they are holding within. Let them see their own old debris and their strong ego keeping them deeply asleep. You can't show someone to their unconsciousness where they insist on staying blind. They will have to recognize what's going on by seeing themselves deeply stuck in it.

 Cycles are ramping up so you will see yourself in a different reflection phase when you are done with seeing your old reflection with these people around. Don't get stuck with feeling victimized or left alone, these are your reflection that comes from the old patterns. NOW you changing your energy level as well as your own releasing; these old patterns, the lessons, the people and challenges will be much different. They will change too. Stay out of their stuck patterns where they will be like a headless chicken, running around and trying to spread their toxicity on people who come to them with their high energy. The more your energy is higher the more you will see these people acting weird around you. Because with your high vibration and light level, they recognize what it is not light within them. The change will bring new projections and reflections for you to see where you are and how much you have released what you no longer match in that high frequency and consciousness level. Stay as a higher observer, neutral and stop separating yourself from your ego/mind. That creates more separation now. You are making your unconscious mind (ego) to a conscious mind. Your mind is not your enemy. There is no point of neglecting the mind and fighting with it within you and others. Just focus on your observer side and stay there long enough to recognize what you repeat as a pattern is showed by others around so you can pour love and release that pattern and move on with seeing it reflected back to you.

 Keep it simple:
*For you to stay neutral and master it, you will have people who will test you to stay neutral. Don't expect too much from people when you see they don't show what you want. Stay neutral to recognize the lesson and master it. This way you won't have to repeat it with some other new ones.

 *When you constantly wish to help others, universe will put you into the places that needs the light the most. So recognize that and stay neutral to focus on yourself before you can handle spreading light around you. Accept your capacity and how much you can do.

 *If you see yourself reactive these days, it is another sign to stop and reflect what you need to reflect within. Check your repeated thought patterns. It might not match with the new higher energies that is awaiting for you to update your mindset. This way you might catch yourself saying "why me" constantly in every challenge. Seeing your self resistant, catching that you are seeing the world from a victim and a martyr point of view will feel like a nightmare if you haven't grasp your self-empowerment. Take responsibility of your daily energy level and how you respond to universe. Do you trust universe that will assist and help you? or not? Co-operate with it instead of resist to everything that is showing you and teaching you. Do you want to create much better energy field or want to stay as a victim?

 More later wink emoticon .....
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,