otrdiena, 2015. gada 2. jūnijs

on June 2nd, 2015 - Sagittarius Full Moon - Bringing the Power of the Goddess Down to Earth

19:19 pēc LV laika

Shakti Ascension Sagittarius Full Moon: Bringing the Power of the Goddess Down to Earth

11.49 Degree of Sagittarius
9:19am PST on June 2nd, 2015

This Full Moon is truly an Ascension Full Moon my Dear Ones which came through as the “Shakti Full Moon” as Mother Goddess is opening powerful Stargates around and within Mother Gaia, to bring more of her Power of Love and Service down to the Earth through all of those who surrender to be her open channel, assisting our Galactic Ascension and Liberation from the shackles of our own 3D ego-mind-prison perception. Our Kundalini is being stirred from the cave of our root chakra to begin its ascension to the higher centers, bursting within our Cosmic Heart Center, opening our Lotus Heart and the field of infinite possibilities if we so allow it…I will be doing Goddess Ceremony at the Sacred Goddess Site of Machu Picchu at the Full Moon and I invite you my Dear Ones to do ceremony as well or whatever you are guided to do to assist the anchoring of this Light Transmission from the Heart of Mother Goddess. Meditation will also be auspicious and I will suggest “the Pleiadian Ascension Oracle – Self-Mastery Ray” for this Full Moon as well as opening yourself to channel!

This Full Moon is also known as the Festival of Goodwill or Festival of the Christ, where Mother Goddess’s Love is poured unto Mother Gaia, in order for all beings to use this power of Love for the Goodwill of Humanity, awakening to Christ Consciousness within. The seed of Unconditional Love was planted by Twin Souls, Jesus and Mary-Magdalene within the Heart of Mother Earth and this Full Moon is a powerful initiation for those who which to let this seed grow within their Heart and Soul to strengthen the 5th Dimension Frequency on Planet Earth and herald many waves of Twin Souls Reunion. This is part of the Divine Plan my Dear Ones. If in your Heart and Soul, you feel your Twin Soul, it is likely you will reunite in this life to serve the Ascension as ONE! Have Faith.
If you had a doubt the Ascension is actually happening, this Full Moon will release any doubt. The Ascension of Mother Gaia is happening and it will be wise to choose to ascend with her. The Moon Goddess in Sagittarius will be opposing the Sun, Mars and Mercury retrograde in Gemini, the sign of the Twins. This Mercury Retrograde has been assisting us to tune down the logical ego-mind-prison in order to open the channel of communication with our Higher Ascended Soul Self, the one that sees the bigger Soul picture, that sees through all timelines and cut through the illusion of separation. As I wrote in my “Daily Planetary Dance” this week, if you have been solely relying on your 3D mind, this can be quite a challenging time as nothing seems to make sense! Trust that at the Soul level, all is being divinely and wisely orchestrated for your Soul’s true desires to be answered and fulfilled, in other words, for you to remember the deep soul promises you have made between your Self and your Soul, before choosing, yes I did say choosing, to incarnate on Planet Earth in those times of Ascension. Indeed, you have NOT been condemned to human life, you were actually excited to come and serve the higher purpose of all which is LOVE. This is the Universal Reality of the Soul my Dear Ones and we are all, willingly or not, awakening to thy Spiritual Truth.

Sagittarius is also the sign of abundance through generosity and gratitude. Get your abundance crystals and invocations out My Dear Ones as Mother Goddess is ready to pour her infinite abundance onto you as you commit to your Soul Purpose! As you give know you shall receive. As you focus your mind on what you have rather that what you do not have, more will come your way. Simple principles of the Universe! As I mentioned in my “Pleiadian Taurus New Moon” channeling, those who choose to be of service to the greater good will receive that abundance and support from the Heart of Mother Goddess. This Full Moon will make this clear, if you work for the highest good of All, prosperity is yours in all its forms, not only money; otherwise, just be ready to make some major inner and outer transformation. The planetary energies are just no longer supporting self-centered and unsustainable endeavors…that cycle has ended with the Dark Age!

This Full Moon will invite us to contemplate the way we relate to reality. Do we relate from our mind which is separating, or from our Heart and Soul which are uniting, compassionate and unconditionally loving. The trine to Jupiter in Leo and Uranus, the co-ruler with Saturn, of this New Golden Age, will activate a Spiritual Cosmic Fire of Revolution within our Cosmic Human Heart, assisting us to ascend to Soul Love. In the Golden Age, we relate at the Soul Level, bringing forth inner peace, healing and harmony.

The Moon Goddess in Sagittarius will come to a square to Neptune, assisting us to break free from any religious mind-control and manipulation. No, you are not a sinner; no, you are not going to hell; no, you are not of no value! Some have chosen to incarnate in a spiritually open minded family, some in a very religious family, or city, or country. No matter what, we all have been imprinted by the collective unconscious, so we all get to liberate ourselves from the lies and reconnect with our inner Soul Truth. You are a powerful sovereign spiritual being having a human experience. You are infinite and limitless. This Full Moon will offer us Liberation from all of this non-sense which definitely did not spring from the Heart and Soul Frequency. Can you feel it my Dear Ones? Anything that disempower you, does not spring from the Heart of Mother Goddess and I would invite you to kindly disregard it. And remember, that your Truth, your way of connecting to that Infinity of yours, to Mother Goddess, is yours and yours only. This is not the Age of preaching but BEING and inspiring. Be the vibration of your inner Soul Truth, this would be of a greater impact than the spiritual ego trip we can trick ourselves into. If you find yourself in that trip, just by becoming aware of it, you will move from that space into being-ness and acceptance. As the Dalai Lama said: “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost“. All Souls ultimately come back to Love, all Souls come back home to the ONE Heart. Be that Beacon of Light, that Lighthouse who knows that patience can be the greatest manifestation of unconditional love.

This aspect with Neptune will also empower us to believe in our Soul and Heart Vision. Your Soul wants to assist you to live your Dream my Dear Ones, therefore you must dream, you must imagine for it to become real. You must reach beyond the false limitations of this 3D dimensions. Imagination is freedom! Use your kundalini Fire to ignite that Dream and make it real. You have come here to experience the joy to be a co-creator. Time is NOW!

You are not stuck in a job, neither in a relationship that is no longer fulfilling, you can choose to create a reality that reflects your true soul’s desires. You can see beyond the 3D ego-mind-prison, into the filed of infinite possibilities that is accessible through your Heart and Soul! I think of Elon Musk who truly embodies this Uranian Frequency of a visionary mixed with the heart’s desires of his inner child. A being like Elon does what he does because for him it is his vision and obvious to his mind-heart perception that it is for the good will of humanity. He actually channels from the Future which means he taps into the Super Conscious Mind naturally. People did call him crazy and still probably do, and he proved them wrong. One of his dream is to be able to live on Mars. Well, with Mars in Aquarius conjunct his North Node in the 11th house ruled by Uranus, he might actually make this one come true too! His “crazy” ideas did became real and he is surely anchoring them in our 3D “now” reality, revolutionizing the way we use resources to create a more sustainable Humanity. He truly is successful because he stay true to the vision he downloads and therefore get the Cosmic support to make it real. Tune into those who inspire you and act upon your dreams to make them real. Do not be afraid to be a visionary! What were your dreams when your inner child saw everything as possible and as play, when you were not yet under the influence of the 3D? This could very well be your Soul Purpose my Dear Ones…Write down your intentions and vision for your future and the future of humanity and speak them from your Heart and Soul with confidence to Mother Goddess on this Full Moon. As you speak, feel how it feels to manifest that dream, that vision as it will assist its manifestation. Give thanks, let go of any expectations and allow your vision to manifest in alignment with your Soul’s desires and the good will of Humanity.

This morning I had the blessing to do a soul reading for a young and wise soul of India. He shared with me that he felt an inner conflict as, at times he wants to just retreat from the world and meditate and at times he feels this strong passion for activism to truly make a change in his country. He asked what he should choose. I told him there was no need to choose, both were not contradictory whatsoever. The reason why I share this with you my Dear Ones, is that we are not meant to retreat in a cave where we just meditate and forget about this 3D. We are doing both! We must take care of our Soul and Spirit by having some sort of spiritual practice and we must apply this soul wisdom in our daily lives, this is what will make our world a better place. Now, I also want to mention that having a spiritual practice means something that assist you to connect to your Heart and Soul, and hear the guidance of your Ascended Soul Self from beyond the veil. Doing a meditation out of “shoulds” will not take you there. Any practice is a tool for you to connect to your Heart and Soul, to make space to hear its divine guidance. Silence, Prayer and Devotion are keys to receive the blessings and the nectar from the Heart of Mother Goddess. With Saturn in Sagittarius for the next couple years, we are asked to live our truth. This is a very humbling and unifying process, which Jupiter in Virgo will magnify as it moves into this sign next August; as we realize that we are all doing our best within our level of awareness and consciousness. It is not about being spiritually perfect but rather being truthfully real with our flaws, our strengths and weaknesses and so forth; it is about accepting ourselves unconditionally, honoring our emotional soul body and keeping our intentions pure. It will do my Dear Ones, it will do! It is a powerful time to anchor more Light and Love from the Heart of the Goddess. It is our time to rise and shine! As the Incas did foresee, we, the Children of the Sun are rising!

Uranus in Aries dancing with the Moon Goddess will remind you, it is your free will to liberate yourself! It is your free will to see through the eyes of the Soul, which sees all as ONE. The consciousness of Mother Gaia is ascending and we can ascend with her to the 5th dimension of unity consciousness and unconditional soul love, but…it means you have to merge!!! and the ego-mind-prison is literally scared to “death” to merge in ecstatic union with Mother Goddess, the ALL that there is and ever will be, because it is too infinite for it to control it or have power over it. It can only surrender and serve that Infinity within the finite. This is what the word yoga means. Why do you think all those yoga teachings are booming on Earth? To prepare us to merge. On a Galactic level, the merging is happening between Uranus and Gaia. Uranus futuristic nervous system is merging with the nervous system of Gaia. We are literally getting a Cosmic Upgrade and attuning our human nervous system to that new Uranian Frequency, is key to assist your own Ascension. As when an Earthquake happens, which Uranus rules; the Energy of Uranus and of Gaia merges and as a result we shake. This is what happens when your Kundalini rises. The Kundalini of Mother Gaia is rising. Can you see and feel that Gaia is alive!  As most of you know Nepal experienced a devastating earthquake and Nepal is one of the main portal of Earth.

The generation that is born under the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in the early 90’s is already very attuned to the Uranian Frequency and their challenge is to ground it within the Saturn Dimension. If you have a strong Uranus in your astrology such as North Node or South Node in Aquarius, or Uranus in the 1st house, like me, you also already are in tune with that frequency and are therefore more of a leader, pioneer, guide for this Ascension process. Edgar Cayce has been coming through a lot, known as the “American Prophet” and his work will continue to reach a larger audience, as he truly embodies this Uranian Energy as well. He did herald the coming wave of psychics and channels which is to lead this Golden Age.

Everything is consciousness my Dear Ones and the planets also have a consciousness as well as a personality and they do actually “speak”. It is an amazing experience as well as frightening at first when you do trance channeling work but people like him, myself and many others are here to lead the way and assist Humankind to reach beyond the 3D, experiencing their Infinity and perceiving this 3D reality in an awakened way. I have not yet spoken much about the Trance Channeling-Prohecy work I have been doing, on the Isle of Avalon, since Mother Goddess called me to Glastonbury last year, but I feel soon it shall be revealed as it is something that not only me, but others will do, if this is in their Soul Contract. We all come with different soul assignments but what I know for certain is that the capacity to channel and merge with the Goddess and other entities will become more and more common in the Golden Age for the purpose of bringing more of her Power down to Earth, as it has been done before. What is more powerful than experiencing the Goddess within yourself! It is nothing to be afraid of my Dear Ones, to the contrary. This is part of the unification of divine feminine and masculine within, the reclaiming of the Mystery, the expansion of our consciousness, and of our soul remembrance process that we are ONE.

Again, one must prepare oneself consciously for that merging of the Soul with the over Soul, with the Heart of Mother Goddess, Mother of All Creation in all dimensions and when the Soul decides it is time, you can expect a kundalini awakening. Once you open the Third Eye, there is no turning back, only forward, and it comes with the responsibility to serve others. What else is there to do than serving another’s soul? As a channel, I have a lot of respect and compassion for this ultimate union within this 3D dimension of the illusion of Separation. It is a process that needs great nurturing and grounding. The collective consciousness has been fed such lies that it is going to take some time to adjust to the new Uranian Frequency of cosmic freedom. Yes, the frequency of the Golden Aquarian Age is already here! We are now simply integrating it within our own operating system if you will.
Many souls journey to Peru where I have been for the past 3 weeks to experience San Pedro or Ayahuasca as indeed those gifts of consciousness from Mother Earth will assist many in their awakening process but one need to be grounded and spiritually ready. This process should not be taken lightly, such as doing it for the “trip” as it will backlash and become more destructive than anything else. The plant medicine knows your intentions and will not give you its blessing if they are not pure. You do not open the “Pandora Box” unprepared. The consciousness must be ready and the Soul must be your guide. If you have been thinking about receiving such medicine my Dear Ones, do it from a place of devotion and service as it will keep safe and grounded. If you feel unprepared then don’t do it; work on yourself and when it feels right then reconsider. Your kundalini force is not to be taken lightly but with great respect. I also wish to add that it is not mandatory either, you can raise your kundalini, open your third eye, without the use of plant medicine. When your Soul deems you ready, your kundalini will rise of its own, unexpectedly!

In those times of rapid change, I invite you my Dear Ones to apply extreme and radical gentleness and self-love as indeed nothing is ever going to be the same, but trust the Divine Plan, it is for the better and it is only the natural flow of evolution, to expand forward. Yes, we must let go of the idea of control and surrender it all to Mother Goddess. We must empty our chalice cup for Mother Goddess to fill it with her Love, Grace, Devotion, Compassion and Wisdom. Are you willing my Dear Ones to take that leap of Faith? Are you willing to surrender? It is what this Shakti Ascension Full Moon offers us. Know that everyone will receive the blessing of Mother Goddess and the amount of energy they can handle at this time. No Soul is ever left behind. Remember, this dimension is ruled by Saturn, ruler of TIME, thus we must respect the divine timing of each soul. What matters is YOU and only YOU. If you are committed to your course, you will assist ALL as one drop of the ocean can shift the entire frequency of that Ocean of oneness that we are.

This Full Moon reminds us there is no need to preach, to convince, this is the frequency of the old Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, which religion has fed itself on. The foundation of all Religion is Love but Man distorted the Truth for its own purpose of little 3D Power. This was the true message of Christ and other messiahs. No need to get angry or point finger either. Why? All spring from the collective unconscious, thus we collectively wanted to feel the way it feels to give our Power away, to feel like a victim, forgotten by Mother Goddess on this little blue Planet. We did not want to take responsibility for our own co-creation. The Dark Age of human consciousness was about being told what to believe so we did not have to think neither experience for oneself, and neither take responsibility.

The Golden Age is the age of experience. It is not enough to have a belief, you must experience it for it to give you the alchemical gold it holds. A belief is simply a way for you to connect to that Infinity that I call Mother Goddess. It is a chewable version for our logical mind to grasp that unfathomable infinity. Though again, to truly experience and merge with that Infinity which is YOU, you must be in a place of total surrender and devotion. You must become totally empty so you can fill your entire Self with the Light of your Soul. Again, this is a process, which for some can take lifetimes, and for other this will be “the” lifetime. With Uranus as a co-ruler of this Golden Age, more and more souls will break free from the boundaries of time and space and be able to live a completely new incarnation within this lifetime. The Mayans were masters of Time and they are still teaching from the Ethers as many others Star Families such as the Pleiadians and Sirians, which are actively involved in our Ascension as they hold a karmic debt with Mother Gaia and humanity; and the Arcturians which play a more passive role but still beam their Light and Wisdom upon all those open to receive. The Ascended Masters such as Jesus and Mary-Magdalene amongst others will also make their presence known at this Full Moon. Call forth, on that day, those Light Beings which you feel a soul connection with and open yourself to receive their Love and Wisdom to assist you on your Ascension. There is so much assistance my Dear Ones from the higher planes of existence, open yourself to receive and be inspired! That is the prerequisite, to be open to receive in a space of humility and pure intentions. Now, it does work both ways, as we can learn from our Star Families they do learn from us as well. Remember, human incarnation is on high demand which is why there is so many souls on and inside Mother Gaia, as everyone wants to experience the ecstasy of merging with Source, Mother Goddess, in a physical dimension, within the boundaries of Saturn’s Dimension.
As we rise beyond the duality of right and wrong, and know that every souls in our lives has played their role to assist us in our Soul journey, to grow in self-love, we can choose to forgive at a personal and collective level and set our Soul free. Everything is only a mirror and through the mirror we have the opportunity to come to self-mastery. At times, it can be challenging to feel gratitude when “wrong” was done but at the soul level there is a blessing, there always is. We can forgive ourselves for any wrong that has been done by our hand or by others, remembering that at the root of all experiences, is only love. This Earth Mastery School governed by Saturn and now revolutionary Uranus, is the School of True Soul Love, where all is forgiven and set free to the Spiritual Fire of Unconditional Love. Saturn simply shows us: “what we do to another, will be done to us”, a Universal Law of Equilibrium. Karma is truly impersonal. Nevertheless, our capacity as humans to feel, make this human experience at times a drama, when we still run the program of powerlessness and victimization, but once we take our power back by taking responsibility for our creation and rise above our karma in Love, in Grace, in Devotion, in Compassion, the true essence of what it is to be human shines forth, like billion of stars from our Cosmic Heart and blesses ALL of Mother Goddess’s Creation in ALL dimensions. Love knows no boundaries!

It does take courage to choose to incarnate as a human being my Dear Ones as it is such a vulnerable incarnation in some way, but we choose to incarnate to feel and experience the power of human Divine Love beyond the duality, which is truly ecstasy for the Soul. Tears come to my eyes as my Soul recognizes this Truth. Any spiritual teaching of value teaches that only Love is real.

Allow yourself to be who you truly are, without any masks my Dear Ones. Keep walking with your Heart open fearing not to be hurt as truly nothing can ever hurt an open and awakened Heart. An open Heart simply gives, it only knows giving, it does not need to defend itself, neither protect. it is the power of Love my Dear Ones, the power of The Goddess which holds all of her Creation in unconditional love and this power is returning to Earth. Let us rejoice my Dear Ones, the Light of the Goddess has returned!
