piektdiena, 2015. gada 5. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 5th 2015

Venus enters Leo
Today, Venus the Goddess of Love and Twin sister of Gaia, enters fiery Leo (8:33am PST), reminding us that Love is the Holy Grail. Love knows only giving and knows no boundaries. In those times of Ascension, there is those who choose to keep loving as they remember that only love is real, and those who will choose to close their heart, to protect themselves from the illusion of the separating 3D matrix. Love needs no protection, it is all pervading, all encompassing and unconditionally accepting. This is the process of Ascension we are going through my Dear Ones. Know that what will stay with you for Eternity is how much you have loved. It all starts with you of course! Love Thy Self!

 When we put an expectation on the love we give this is when we create pain and suffering. It is a learning process. Just notice and from that place of awareness, make loving choices for self and therefore others. This is the seed of unconditional love my Dear Ones. The power of your Heart will guide you to infinite blessings. This is true self-mastery. Give, keep giving, never stop giving and bathe into your own unconditional self-love, you are LOVE and always will be🌹 As I was on the train back from Machu Picchu, I meet this Father and Son from the US as well, and we started having a very deep spiritual conversation. I told him, I am still amazed to this day that my Heart no matter what I had to go through in my life, just keeps opening and I just keep loving! To me this is the miracle of Divine Love in human form; you just know if your Heart closes you have lost touch with who you truly are and I just never was able to let myself down in such a way...Some could see it as a sacrificial love, in some way it is, but only to the ego...the Soul rejoices!

Venus empowers us to fully own our Goddess/God Self. Embrace your beauty, your sacred divine feminine and bless all with it. The Goddess is rising and she shines!!! Please shine my Dear Ones, shine the Light of your Soul in all places. Your Light is needed. We rise to our essence, there is no need to stay small my Dear Ones, your Heart is infinite, become infinite! It is not about being into oneself, rather honoring your essence, do you understand? Yes, it will make some uncomfortable but trust me, it has nothing to do with you. They can always choose to be inspired and shine themselves. It is everyone's responsibility to shine the Light of their Soul, when they so feel ready.

Venus in Leo will work her Love magic so expect miracles! Your Twin Soul might just appear in your life unexpectedly and this is all part of Mother Goddess's Divine Plan to restore Love on Earth 🌹 I suggest consciously calling your Twin Soul as well, it can never hurt. It will give you the strength to trust the divine timing and love yourself as this is the foundation for your Twin Soul Reunion. It does not mean you have to be "perfect" for your Twin to come into your life and vice versa, it simply means you need to be aware that it is your inner work to love yourself, then your Twin Soul relationship become the ground for your soul growth. A Twin Soul relationship to truly benefit both and perform there service to humanity must be vibrating at a higher level of consciousness. It is why time is of importance. If you are not yet with your Twin Soul, it means you and him/her still need to go through some human experiences to grow in self-love before you can truly bond and merge in service to Mother Goddess, to assist the Ascension to the 5th Dimension of Unity Consciousness and Unconditional Love. And so it is!

I invite you to do ceremony to honor Venus today and ask her blessings for your Heart and Soul's desire to manifest and for a bountiful, harmonious and loving path ahead, as you rise to your Divinity in human form🌹 Venus rules Friday as well as the number 5, so there is much of Venus Magic available today...

I also suggest any of the Pleiadian Venus Meditation I have channeled:
Pleiadian Venus Rose Heart Stargate: Activating the Cosmic Human Heart:http://gaiaearthstar.com/…/venus-rose-heart-stargate-activ…/

 Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide
