trešdiena, 2015. gada 17. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 17th 2015

Moon in Cancer
As the Moon Goddess shifted into Cancer and come to a trine to Neptune in Pisces (9:41am PST) we are going to be feeling our feelings! A sense of feeling ungrounded, without anything to really hang on to...this can feel quite unsettling if you try to get things in order when the energies are just inviting us to release, feel and surrender the rest.

It has been a trying last couple weeks with Mercury retrograde, and as I mentioned yesterday its final square to Neptune next Tuesday will be the wrap up of what has transpired for each of us. Slowly, very slowly, the fog is lifting my Dear Ones and as we walk into this mystic midst, nurturing ourselves and our sensitivities will prove to ease this process. Can we trust? Can we know our Soul is leading the way? Can we tune into our intuition, finding some solace and peace without knowing from a logical 3D mind perspective how things will unfold ?

As the Moon Goddess comes into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn (6:43pm PST) there will be no way we can feel in control and if we try, we will feel powerful resistance as the order is about trusting and surrendering to what is, knowing that all is in divine order. This is not a time to push, rather honor your emotional process during this still confusing time my Dear Ones. The Goddess wants us to remember there is no such thing as control. When we are connected with our Soul Self, we understand that we might not see the big picture yet but we can choose to trust and we can certainly feel our way forward. It is a day of going inward my Dear Ones, making yourself right rather than wrong for what you are feeling. This is another message of the Goddess: allow yourself to feel, it is the gift of being human.

Remember, Saturn is now in Scorpio and will not let us get away with repressed feelings patterns. Feel, feel deeply, feel soulfully and remember it is human, and human is who you are. Spiritual beings having a human experience we are, therefore we must go through the human experience which means we must feel. The reason why we experienced the Dark Age is because there was no intuitive sense of feeling and emotional intelligence; only mind which thrived on control and a false sense of power. That time is over and we are now bringing forth our divine feminine to create an alchemical balance with our divine masculine, creating an inner world of divine equilibrium and sacred union, which is the foundation of the 5th dimension.

This Ascension, the rising of the Divine Feminine is about allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, thus honoring all of our feelings without judgement. This is what will bring us closer my Dear Ones, our humanity.

 Today, just let go of the plan your mind wants to hang on to or figure out, feel how it feels to just let go, allowing your precious human emotions to surface, to be, to flow through you with radical self-love, compassion and acceptance. Many people have been programmed to think that honoring their feelings and emotional process is not spiritual. False! It could not be further from the truth my Dear Ones. It actually is your greatest strength and power. Let us not repeat the unconsciousness of the past. If you are one of those people to think it is not spiritual to feel your feelings and you'd rather do some yoga or meditation or chant a mantra just to forget about your feelings, I invite you to stop this deceptive process as trust me, your feelings won't go away! I talk from experience...and with great humility.

There is only one way and it is through. It might feel quite uncomfortable if you have not tuned into your feelings for a while, maybe lifetimes... or kept wearing a mask saying "I have it together" but you know inside, you got to let those feelings come up, be acknowledged and released. Give them to Mother Goddess, know that you are loved unconditionally and as you embrace your emotional soul body, you step into your authentic self. No mask, no pretending, just being authentically who you are. This, is the beginning of self-love and it starts with you...