piektdiena, 2015. gada 12. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 11th 2015

Moon in Aries

My Dear Ones, today is the day where we will get an opportunity to understand what "patience pays" mean. Yes, Mercury is moving direct, at last, at 3:33pm PST, the angel number representing the Ascended Masters on an 11th day, a Master Number! Yes, we have gone through an important initiation, and we realized the less we resisted "what is", the more we opened ourselves to receive the Gift of this Mercurial Initiation. You might ask: What is the Gift? Vibrating beyond the 3D ego-mind-prison. This is the process of Ascension. If you are someone that rely on the linear way of perceiving, this retrograde as most likely rocked your world. Faith, trust in the Divine Order, in knowing that you are divinely guided, enhanced intuition, spiritual understanding and so on are part of the Gift of this Retrograde. The culmination of this Mercurial Initiation will happen on the Gemini Twin New Moon of next week, which will be opposing the Galactic Center and conjunct Mars. A Portal to the Heart of Mother Goddess will be open once again. Get ready for another Ascension Upgrade!

Today, I would suggest to honor Mercury, the Messenger of the Goddess, as he moves forward (3:33pm PST); giving thanks for the lessons and blessings, asking that now the path be cleared by resolving and releasing any experiences that came back into your conscious awareness from this life and past lives, for you to continue on the path of your Ascension. There is no need to carry past lives experiences into your Future my Dear Ones, rather releasing them with your forgiveness and unconditional love as you now have the Spiritual and Soul understanding. As you understand why things happened the way they did. All is but a soul learning process to be the vibration of our Soul Essence which is Love. Forget about the blame, revenge and so on, you are the only one who will be harmed by those actions. Make it easier on yourself and move on!

The Moon Goddess in Aries will conjunct Uranus (1:45pm PST) giving us the energy to liberate ourselves from what no longer serves our Soul Growth. This is a very potent energy to clear timelines of Karmic residue my Dear Ones. If you so wish, you can jump into a timeline which does not contain the lower vibrational emotions which you have been playing over and over. Will you make that jump!? Reality as we knew it, is gone. We are starting collectively to understand time is an illusion and our mind is the tool we can use to shift into a timeline that matches more of our Soul frequency. This is not something to understand logically rather to experience and I know those of you who are reading this are experiencing leaps in consciousness! You are starting to grasp that your thoughts, feelings and emotions truly shape your reality and the more conscious and aware you become, the more you vibrate your Soul Frequency, the more peace and enlightenment you will experience. What is between you and your dream? A thought.

The Moon Goddess in a sextile to Mars in Gemini (4:43pm PST) will empower us to choose thoughts that match our soul vibration which is unifying and unconditionally loving. We are not talking here of manifesting at an ego level. Sorry it won't really work...long term. It is manifesting the vibration of your Soul within the physical...there is no attachment, no pre-conceived ideas of success, wealth and so on as we know it in the past, the frequency of the Dark Age. The Soul has more lofty goals my Dear Ones...more divine goals. It does not mean either you cannot experience abundance and so forth. It is just that the frequency is getting much higher therefore the materialization too. Our Soul remembers we are ONE and it wants to serve all. I have written about it in my "Pleiadian Taurus New Moon forecast" which you can read on my website.

The square from Mars in Gemini to Chiron the wounded healer in Pisces (5:35pm PST) will remind us there is no victim, only soul learning...we can choose to grow in Love, it is our free will to heal our inner wounds, which in this 3D the other only mirrors. No one is ever after you, all our experiences are a blessing, at times very well disguised. We are coming home to Soul Love my Dear Ones, where we are ONE <333
Suggested Pleiadian Meditations:
Awakening to your Compassionate Heart:
Healing with Chiron, the Wounded Healer:
For those of you who desire to receive a Tibetan Quartz Crystal I used at Goddess Ceremony at Machu Picchu on the Sagittarius Full Moon, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com for details. I do have only a couple left <333
I also have made "Machu Picchu Goddess Full Moon Essence", if you desire to receive one, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com
To receive a Goddess Crystal or Crystal Skull Ascension attuned to your Soul Purpose and blessed at Chalice Well, Glastonbury, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com
Read more about the Crystalline Ascension here:
I will continue to give soul readings while in Glastonbury from end of June onwards If you desire your soul channeling to be done in this Sacred Land kindly visit
www.gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/services to Schedule your Soul Reading with Gaia Earth Star
To schedule your private soul retreat in Sedona (Fall 2015) or Glastonbury (Summer 2015) kindly email contact@gaiaearthstar.com
You can see more details here:
Tune into your own astrological chart with “Wisdom of the Stars” Astrology series channeled course:
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide