pirmdiena, 2015. gada 1. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 1st 2015

Moon enters Sagittarius

Today, the Moon Goddess will enter Sagittarius (11:39am PST) amplifying the energies of Ascension Full Moon tomorrow! As she comes to a conjunction with Saturn (1:21pm PST), I will strongly invite you to get to your spiritual soul practice. If there is a time to do some yoga, meditate, chant sacred sounds, pray, retreat, whatever you do to connect with your higher soul self, it is NOW my Dear Ones. So much Light will be pouring from the Heart of Mother Goddess, all you need to do is receive. Let her fill your chalice cup in service to all those in need in those times of Ascension. Awaken to your inner Priestess/Priest. Make space. This is what your spiritual soul practice assist you with.

I also invite you to join the "Goddess Earth Ascension" Meditation tomorrow as I will be doing it at Machu Picchu before performing the "Full Moon Goddess Ceremony" to assist the anchoring of Mother Goddess's Light and Love down to Earth. I do not travel for the fun of traveling, wherever Mother Goddess asks me to do Ceremony to awaken dormants energies seeded by the Ancient Ones, I go! It is the path of devotion and of service my Dear Ones and it is our salvation for a bright and Golden Future on our beloved Mother Gaia Planet. Ascension is happening, it is a very real process as you can surely attest and Saturn is reminding you that you can be a leader, a guiding light as you commit to your soul evolution, allowing your Soul to be your only compass, becoming an inspiration for many as you rise in Unconditional Love. There is no one to follow my Dear Ones, no one to put on a pedestal as they will only fall; only you can be inspired. We all walk this path alone as no one else can live another's Destiny. Nevertheless, we are ONE, thus we truly walk together! This is an exciting time my Dear Ones, as the Light of the Goddess is returning to Earth 🌹

Join the Goddess Earth Ascension Meditation!http://gaiaearthstar.com/…/goddess-earth-ascension-meditat…/
