trešdiena, 2015. gada 8. aprīlis

Planetary Dance, April 8th - Today is a big day!

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 8th 2015

Today is a big day! Why? Massive and expansive Jupiter is going direct on a 8 Portal which is significant of Divine Abundance (9:57am PST). Allow yourself to receive all the Abundance and Prosperity in all shape and form from Mother Goddess, to serve your Soul growth in those times of Ascension and remember to say "Thank you" for all that she blessed you with, such as your Golden Breath of Life.

While Jupiter was going retrograde, we had the opportunity to review affairs of the Heart in order to receive the Heart and Soul Wisdom from it. Now, it does not mean it was all loving, likely to the contrary as the true test here was to be able to remain in the space of your Heart no matter why is reflected to you. Remember, do not take anything personally. It is never really about you!
Jupiter is a spiritual Teacher and as I mentioned before, 2015 is the year of "Spiritual Cosmic Fire", assisting us to re-ignite the Flame of Unconditional Self-Love within our Cosmic Human Heart, our Essence. Not a small affair indeed. Now that Jupiter is moving forward, we can reap the blessings from the Heart imitation we have been going through since December. There is this feeling of knowing that Love is ALL there is. We are no longer caught like a fly in a web of the illusion of separation. We know we are ONE and we know we shall all find our way home. Maybe in this life or...another; what is certain is that there is no Souls left behind and we will come again and again, to assist the Ascension, for the liberation of all of ManKind. This is the Power of Kuan Yin, boddisatva, Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Grace. Another powerful archetype to tune into especially today.

As the Moon in Sagittarius will trine Jupiter in Leo (9:46pm PST) a tsunami like wave shall enter your Cosmic Human Heart if you open to receive, giving you a unwavering Faith in thy own Love, reminding you that the healing of the Universe lies within you. See with the eyes of compassion, and you shall experience your own compassion. See with the eyes of Love and you shall experience your own Love. Give to those open to receive and bless ALL. It is my greatest joy to serve you and share from the Heart of Mother Goddess and I thank you for receiving!!!

As some of you know, I have many lifetimes in Tibet where I was initiated to the Healing Art of Soul Astrology amongst other spiritual practices from the Goddess. I will again receive bodhisattva empowerment here in Sedona on April 17th, just before the New Moon in Aries, at the Amithaba Stupa and I invite you, if you are hearing the call of devotion and service, to come receive this empowerment in magical Sedona. I will offer a gong transmission either on the day of the empowerment or on the New Moon on the 18th. See my "Events" section on my website or check my Facebook page for details.

All path leads home my Dear Ones, back to Mother Goddess. We are at a time where dogma dissolves and unity through diversity emerges. The core message of any religion is Love; only Man has thwarted this message for power and control over. As the Goddess rises, equilibrium is re-established and the true message of Love re-ignited, beyond dogma, beyond belief, beyond race and so one. This Love lies right within our Cosmic Human Heart and it is your responsibility to spark and cultivate that Divine Flame; to bless yourself, Mother Gaia and ALL in all dimensions, with its Unconditional Love. The Ascended Masters such as Kuan Yin, Jesus-Christ, Mari-Magdalene, Buddha, St Germain, and so on, reminds us that they do not belong to religion but to Love. They are Love as you are. They only reflect your potential. Again it is your responsibility to awaken to that potential, in your own time...the Soul is Eternal...
All in all my Dear Ones, let the Wisdom of your Heart and Soul guide your way home...we are ONE

A Mantra for Jupiter going Direct:
"All is forgiven, all is set free to the burning fire of Unconditional Love". Repeat 3 times, ending with "And So it is".