sestdiena, 2014. gada 14. jūnijs

Moon in Capricorn June 14th, 2014

Moon in Capricorn June 14th, 2014

The Moon in Masterful Capricorn, the sea goat, is assisting us in consolidating what the Full Moon of yesterday illuminated to each of us.

It is am powerful energy to reach out our goals with faith, persistence, patience, commitment and work.

Nothing very glamorous here, like the ant shows us, continuously working towards that goal which ultimately is our soul growth.

The manifestation within the 3D world is simply a path which we can walk towards that achievement within this human incarnation. What truly matters is what we are learning on a soul level as everything in the Saturn ruled 3D of limitations is only temporary.

What you will learn on a soul level and human level is what you will take with you when leaving this physical density. Ponder upon this my Dear Ones and redirect your energy towards that ultimate truth.

The square from Mars in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn (5:44am PST) will remind us to not fall for the illusion that the other needs to change.

As Ghandi said: "be the change you wish to see in the world". With Pluto it is all about dying to a part of oneself to rebirth anew flowing with the cycle of life and death.

I would say: allow the cycle of life, death and rebirth within yourself.

The conjunction to the Moon to Pluto (6:43am PST) will give us the emotional support to do so.

The square from the Moon to Mars in Libra (6:44am PST) and to Uranus in Aries (11:50am PST) will continue the trend and challenge us to break free from our old and outdated shell.

The sextile from the Moon to Saturn in Scorpio (2:34pm PST) and Chiron, the wounded healer in Pisces (2:43pm PST) will continue to allow us to dive deep within the recesses of our subconscious and unconscious, to feel the pain and understand the deeper meaning of it in order to heal the wound that we carry in this life.

Chiron will turn retrograde in the next couple days and knowing where it falls in your chart is of great importance to gain the strength that this wound is here to unleash.

The trine from the Moon to Venus in Taurus (6:17pm PST) will light up the air a little by grounding all this water emotional energy showing us what we can do practically to move through this introspective phase, coming out brighter and whole.

The opposition to Jupiter in Cancer (11:35pm PST) will remind us that balance is key.
Letting our emotions teach us will be wise my Dear Ones. Feel what you need to feel, allow and then listen to your spirit and soul guidance on what practical step you can take to grow rather than falling into a victim consciousness.

Life is on your side my Dear Ones.

Mother Earth Blessings
 Gaia Earth Star
 Soul Astrologer, Pleaidian Channel and Spiritual Guide