trešdiena, 2014. gada 11. jūnijs

June 12th-13th, 2014 - A powerful Full Moon

June 12th-13th, 2014,  22.06 degree of Sagittarius, 9:11 PST

A powerful Full Moon it is my Dear Ones! An "avant-gout" of what is to come when Saturn, the ruler of this 3D reality, will enter adventurous, intuitive and wise Sagittarius in December 2014. This Full Moon is also the completion of what transpired during the New Moon in Gemini late May. Neptune played with our sense of perception, having us go from confusion to ecstatic moments of knowing that all is in Divine Order. Preparing the terrain for this Full Moon in Sagittarius where we are asked not to rely on our 3D and dualistic view of reality, but to connect to our Higher Self, our God/Goddess Consciousness where we become One and all becomes crystal clear. If we remain in the false sense of separation, of duality, which Gemini highlight, we cannot possibly ascend to fifth dimensional consciousness, the vibration of Unconditional Love. This Full Moon is an important step in our human evolution my Dear Ones. In how we understand our connection to each other and all that there is. The Mind will always be limited. Thus we must reach out beyond the boundaries of our logical mind and apply Spiritual Logic. Saturn shifting in Sagittarius at the end of the year will assist us in doing so. We are all channels of the Divine. It is time for us to rely on our own intuition and feelings which is the way our Soul guides us on our path. We are asked to trust it and act upon it. A new system of communication is being integrated within us as we awaken our "All Seeing Eye": the third eye. 

 Uranus in Aries, the awakener, in a sextile aspect to the Moon will assist us in breaking free from 3rd dimensional consciousness, opening our third eye, upgrading our internal system of communication and connecting with the stars! Uranus is assisting us in redefining who we are as humans within the Universe. Uranus rules astrology and knowing your own astrological chart and soul purpose, is going to become as common as knowing your own name. Astrology is a healing science, which has been used for eons of times by Mayans, Tibetans and many other time keepers on Planet Earth. It is not futile at all but a powerful tool for self-awareness and self-empowerment. As above so below it is. This energy will also be an auspicious portal to connect to your multi-dimensional selves and ask them assistance in what you perceive as your "Now". And remember to speak out what you are available for and what you are not. It is the law of attraction, what you beam out will come back to you. Beam wisely. Use this multidimensional wisdom and awareness to manifest the life your Soul has come here to experience. Time is an illusion, be it a persistent one…and beyond the sphere of Saturn, there is a world of infinite possibilities. The world of your dreams which only your Heart, Faith and Commitment can bring into manifestation in this reality. Raise your frequency and create your own "Never Ending Story"… 

Reach out to your Higher Self, your Soul, the Celestial and Angelic Realms, our Star families such as the Pleiadians and Arcturians. You are not alone and never have been. I suggest for this Full Moon that you look up to the stars. Let your ancient memory be activated. It will be an auspicious time to channel new creative ideas and wisdom through automatic writing or record yourself.  Be bold and allow yourself to connect to other consciousness beyond the Sphere of Saturn. Allow yourself to become a wise and gentle beacon of light in the infinite endless starry night. Let this eternal light within yourself guide and inspire others on their path. Be a lighthouse. Do not underestimate your power to manifest your dreams and goals into this reality. Beyond the Fear of getting what your Soul longs for, is your dream. Reach out!  

The infinities of the Stars reflect your endless possibilities and your own infinity. Look up! - Gaia Earth Star 
The square from the Moon in Sagittarius to the wounded healer, Chiron in Pisces, will challenge us to dream, to trust our intuition, to reach out for divine assistance and have faith in the Divine Order. It will also challenge us to go beyond any belief system which keeps us from the Truth that we are One. A belief system is only a way for oneself to connect to Source energy, the Cosmic Mother which has birth herself through us. When this belief becomes a limited way to perceive reality and a mean to separate and control, we know we are out of alignment, we know we are not connecting to our Soul Truth but to the Mass Consciousness impulse of organized religion. Spirituality is accepting and allowing. What is the reality of your Spirituality? Does it bring you closer to your Human Family or further away? Can you think for yourself and stand with grace in your Truth without separating? There is much clearing to do my Dear Ones to reconnect to our true and ancient origins and it is time to do it! Become the sovereign co-creator of your reality. Be your own teacher. Dream and live your dream! 

 Venus, now in earthy and sensuous Taurus, will be in a favorable aspect to Chiron which will empower us to awaken to our human potential and drop the inserted false memory of original sin. This is a big one we must collectively clear. The opposition to Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of Truth, secrets and mysteries to Venus will reinforce this energy and give us no choice than facing that Truth. This is a great opportunity to take your power back. Why are you so afraid to be powerful? Why are you so afraid to be human? Use the gift of merging through sacred union in a bonded and committed relationship with another to expand your consciousness and channel more love onto Planet Earth. It is your birthright to enjoy and delight yourself into this human incarnation using your five senses. This concept of original sin was only a man-created thought form to keep humanity under psychological slavery. Let us break through the illusion of separation and deep rooted feelings of shame and guilt. Let us awaken to our ultimate freedom of thought. 

"Fundamentally the idea of enlightenment - the notion or term of "enlightenment" or "buddha" or awakened one" implies tremendous sharpness and precision along with a sense of spaciousness. We can experience this, it is not a myth at all. We experience a glimpse of it, and the point is to start from that glimpse and gradually, as you become more familiar with that glimpse and the possibilities of reigniting it, it happens naturally. There occurs a flash, maybe a fraction of a second. These flashes happen constantly all the time. Faith is realizing that there is some space and sharpness in your every day life." - Chogyam Trungpa 

Masterful Saturn in a favorable aspect to Chiron will give us the support and commitment to stay true to the remembrance of our Soul Ancient Wisdom, as more Souls awaken to the remembrance that we are One and there is no such thing as a sin in the eye's of the Cosmic Mother, the vibration of Unconditional Love. Chiron, the wounded healer, known in mythology as a gentle and wise centaur-king, half-horse and half-human, brings about the myth of Sagittarius energy. Centaurs were believed to be the first children of the Goddess, in human form. Connect with Mother Earth, the Goddess herself, on that Full Moon. Let her and the Mysterious and healing Full Moon reveal the secrets of who you truly are. Let your Spirit soar to the heights of Infinity! Human life is a Mastery School where we choose to go in order to grow and evolve as a Soul and Spirit, assisting the Ascension of Gaia, Mother Earth. When we choose to enroll, we are truly excited as human life gives us the opportunity to merge back with Source through this illusion of separation. It is an ecstatic experience which is also called "enlightenment" and it is accessible to those willing to do the homework. This is the gift of this duality. Let us remember. We all get to graduate and we all have chosen to play the game of separation. No one has been condemned to Planet Earth, no One! And no Soul is ever left behind. 

 Depending on your time zone, this Full Moon could be happening on Friday the 13th. 13 has been known as a Master Stargate which is why in the Mass Consciousness, the fearful thought of the number 13 has been implanted in order to keep us away from our own power! We are collectively on Planet Earth, activating our 12 strands DNA, thus opening the pathway to the 13 Stargate where we become One. There is no such thing as a coincidence. The Universe works in mysterious ways. Tap into those mysteries. It is all around you. Meditation, Astro-travel, channeling, writing, exploring new territories within Planet Earth sphere and beyond will be very auspicious on this Full Moon. Allow your consciousness to expand beyond anything you could ever imagine my Dear Ones and let it rock your world! I promise you, you will not want to go back to the old version of you, once you have allowed yourself to stretch your consciousness to the Stars and beyond…Allow yourself to experience sacred Union between you and the Universe as you are a beautiful reflection of its infinity and majesty.
Your inner security lies in your Faith and your authentic and unique
 connection to Source. - Gaia Earth Star