pirmdiena, 2011. gada 25. aprīlis

Ammas 62.stunda

Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.

Now that you have used the Heart Source to connect with the whales
and dolphins, connect with other sea creatures.
Tagad, kad esi lietojis Sirds Avotu, lai savienotos ar vaļiem un delfīniem, savienojies ar citām jūras radībām.

The whales and dolphins, as you know, are mammals. Today,
experience the energy of the shark.
Vaļi un delfīni, ka jau zini ir zīdītāji. Šodien izpēti haizivju enerģiju.

There are many types of sharks.  You may play with the energies of
connecting to sharks as a whole, or with a particular type of shark.
Eksistē daudzu haizivju veidi. Tu vari savienoties ar haizivju grupas enerģiju kopumā, vai ar kādu noteiktu haizivju tipu.

Feel the energy. What impressions do you receive?
Sajūti enerģiju. Kādus iespaidus saņem?

Disconnect from the sharks and reconnect to the whales or dolphins.
Atvienojies no haizivīm un pievienojies vaļiem vai delfīniem.

Note differences in the energy.
Pavēro enerģiju dažādības.

As you do these little exercises, you are becoming acquainted with
the life inhabiting the earth.  You will come to realize how
precious everyone is ... no matter what type of body they have.
Veicot šos vingrinājumus, tu iepazīsties ar zemi apdzīvojošajiem iemītniekiem. Tu sāksi apjaust cik mīļi tie ir...neatkarīgi no to ķermeņa izskata.

Until tomorrow,...
Līdz rītdienai,...

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Cathy Chapman