pirmdiena, 2011. gada 25. aprīlis

Ammas 61.stunda

Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievisķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.

Each time you use your Heart Source to connect with someone or
something, your awareness of the world around you increases.
Ikreiz, kad lieto savu Sirds Avotu lai ar kādu savienotos, pieaug tava apziņa/apjēga par apkārtējo pasauli.

When I speak of "the world around you," I am not speaking of the
earth. I am speaking of all the energies which surround you.
Kad saku „apkārtējā pasaule”, es nerunāju par zemi. Es runāju par visām tām enerģijām, kas tev ir apkārt.

You are expanding into awareness of the multidimensional being you
truly are.
Tu paplašini savu daudz dimensiju būtnes apziņu, to, kas tu patiesībā esi.

 Have you been having fun connecting with the various inhabitants
that walk upon the earth?
Vai tas bija interesanti savienoties ar dažādajiem iedzīvotājiem, kas staigā pa zemi?

You may want to connect with those the swim within her waters.
Tu varbūt vēlēsies savienoties ar tiem, kas peld zemes ūdeņos.

Many people enjoy the energy of the whales and dolphins. Connect
with the energy of either the whales or the dolphins. You may do
both, but for this exercise, connect with one group at a time.
Daudziem cilvēkiem patīk vaļu un delfīnu enerģija. Savienojies ar tiem. Vari savienoties ar abām, bet šoreiz savienojies ar vienu grupu.

Ask for a message of wisdom. Write down what you receive.
Palūdz kādu viedu ziņu. Pieraksti to ko saņem.

Have fun, dear one.
Izbaudi to, mīļais.

Until tomorrow,...
Līdz rītdienai,...

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Cathy Chapman