otrdiena, 2020. gada 31. marts

Evolūcija krīzes laikā- 1- viss ir ciklisks

video tulkojums
Viss ir ciklisks

Ieskaties visumā, kas tev visapkārt- viss ir ciklisks. Viss kustās ciklos.
Ja ieskaties apkārtējā pasaulē, tad redzi, ka viss iziet ciklisku kustību- elektroni griežas ap neironiem, planētas ap Sauli, galaktika ap visuma centru.
Un arī pats visums saraujas un izplešas.
Arī cilvēka dzīve iziet kārtības un haosa ciklus. Cilvēka dzīve rit ciklos- dzimšana un nāve, uzvara un zaudējums, progress un pasivitāte, veselība un neveselība.
Viss ir cikliska kustība.
Neviens cilvēks pa īstam nedzīvo, ja cenšas pieķerties pie kā viena-  pretojas un noliedz cikla otru pusi.
Tad cilvēks dzīvo bailēs no otra cikla puses.
Saviļņojums un dedzība izzūd no dzīves.
Svētums/ garīgums izzūd.
Dzimšana un nāve tad kļūst vien par slimnīcā notiekošu pieredzi- slimnīcā piedzimsti, slimnīcā nomirsti.
Vai tā ir visa dzīve? Nē.
Dzīve ir mistērija. Tā ir pieredze, no kuras nekur nevar aizmukt. Un tā ir Ugadi* vai Gudi Padwa būtība.
Tas ir atgādinājums apstāties un vērst uzmanību uz dzīves veselumu to nenoliedzot vai nepieķeroties kaut kam, lai kas tas arī būtu- rūgts, salds, skābs, ass, pliekans, savelkošs. Jāpieņem ir visas dzīves garšas. Tā ir dzīves svinēšana.
Un padomājiet, šis varētu būt jūsu pirmais Ugadi mājās kopā ar mīļajiem, vieniem pašiem.
Dzīvē esi par daudz skrējis. Un tagad daba saka: “Esi rāms.” Šis būs iekšējās kustības laiks.
Dzīve mūs visus patlaban nolikusi rāmuma režīmā. Priecāsimies, svinēsim to!
Šis rāmais un skaisti klusais laiks var ļaut tev apjaust to, ka nemaz tik daudz nevajag, lai būtu laimīgs.
Vissvarīgākais- lai tev būtu skaists iekšējais stāvoklis.
Vēlreiz atcerēsimies to, ka palikšana mājās var būt tavas un tavas ģimenes evolūcijas “mājas darbs” – lai tā augtu un pilnveidotos mīlestībā.
Palikšana mājās ir visbūtiskākais labprātīgais darbs, ko vari veikt, lai saglabātu citu dzīves.
Ja mēs, indieši, kas esam vairāk kā viens miljards, spējam palikt mājās un noturēt epidēmijas izplatīšanos, mēs patiesībā glābjam arī visu pasauli.
Paliec mājās un sviniet viens otra klātbūtni!
Laimīgu Ugadi!

Ugadi* – Jaunais gads, sākās 25.martā

Citāts: Sal Rachele Latvia

Sal Rachele Latvia

"Pozitīvajām un negatīvajām elektromagnētiskā lauka polaritātēm tiešā veidā nav saistības ar labo un slikto, gaišo un tumšo vai pozitīvu un negatīvu attieksmi pret dzīvi kopumā. Tomēr pastāv korelācija starp elektromagnētiskā lauka raksturlielumiem un cilvēku apziņu. Dvēseles apziņas kvalitāte veido daudzas elektromagnētiskās enerģijas īpašības, kas plūst no fiziskā ķermeņa. Šo enerģiju var izmērīt, izmantojot elektroencefalogrammas ierīces un citas mērīšanas iekārtas.

Ja liels skaits dvēseļu ir noskaņots negatīvi, respektīvi, ja būtiskais viņu apziņas līmenis saistīts ar bailēm un negatīvu attieksmi pret dzīvi, domas, kas atbilstīgi savstarpējās pievilkšanās likumiem rezonē šādu dvēseļu grupā un starp katras grupas dvēselēm, atradīs līdzīgi domājošos, kļūs stiprākas, līdz vietā, kur šādas domas dzimst, radīsies milzīgs rezonējošs negatīvais lauks."

Sals Rakeli, grāmata "Zeme mostas, 2017 - 2030" (Tulkošanā. Plānota 2020.gada maijā.)

Higher perspectives refer to the bigger picture

Savādāka - Interesanta informācija par šobrīd notiekošo zemāk angliski.

1) šeit minēja divus vai pat trīs vīrusa viļņus

2) minēja ka ar noteiktu skaņas frekvenci var vīrusu neitralizēt. šo būtu interesanti papētīt sīkāk. Ja ir vēl informācija par šo, lūdzu, atsūti.

3) pēc vīrusa vara vēl vairāk ierobežos cilvēku kustību, ar mērķi, lai cilvēki beidzot sadumpotos un tiktu ārā no gūsta, gan varas diktētiem noteikumiem, gan finansiālā gūsta - šis ļoti labi saskan ar uzstādījumu un tavām lekcijām - ir jāsaspiež tik ļoti, lai beidzot lielās masas saceltos

4) ilgtermiņā būs inflācija - papīra nauda zaudēs vērtību, vietā nāks zelts, sudrabs un digitālā nauda

5) pasaule pārorientēsies uz vietējās ekonomikas attīstību. šo es ļoti labi redzu saistībā ar vegānajām kafejnīcām rīgā - daļa ir ciet, bet daļa ātri pārorentējās uz piegādi uz mājām un turpina darbu, jo atklāti lūdz vietējo atbalstu un redzot atbalstu turpina darbu. 

6) jaunās tehnoloģijas un zinātne būs galvenie instrumenti, lai veidotu nākamo pārvaldības sistēmu. īpaši svarīgi būs apvienot zināšanas ar radošumu (vīrišķo un sieviešķo enerģiju), jo lietās, kur būs vajadzīgas "plikas" zināšanas uzdevumus uzticēs datoriem

7) imunitāte, imunitāte un vēlreiz imunitāte - jāsaudzē un jāpalīdz organismam pareizi pildīt savas funkcijas

We are midway in our sacred mission around New Zealand, having completed a series of significant ceremonies with the land and people here.  It is profound deep work in the midst of heightened health, economic, political, environmental and energetic activity.

Due to the coming lockdown, we needed to cut out NZ tour short.  So it was with some sadness we need to say our farewells to everyone.  We did manage to get in our key ceremonies and activations for the land of Aotearoa.  But sadly this is a conversation for another day.

So rather than report on the progress we re making here on our mission I felt compelled to write a Higher Dimensional Perspectives piece on the unfolding Coronavirus situation playing out globally.

Higher perspectives refer to the bigger picture of what is playing out in any circumstances, what this is really about, what to expect and how to prepare on all levels for what is to come.  The first thing required to expand your viewpoint, from not just being in it, but also being the neutral observer of it.

Now there are some both unfortunate and long term positive consequences to all of this, we must navigate through these times with resilience, patience, open and compassionate hearts, but importantly a good dose of pragmatism.


For this of you who have been following me for a while I have often talked about the New Earth, and the new systems that will be created to support our species.  Well what is happening with the Coronavirus is a TIMELINE TRIGGER.

We are witnessing the acceleration of the change over from the broken legacy systems, into the new systems to support humanity’s rising consciousness.  

We are moving from hierarchy, centralization and control. Into decentralization, and distributed forms of governance thwart will allow us to move out of the power Elites control systems and allow us to become sovereign and free.

If you have been observing the crumbling of the financial markets, the legacy financial system has its origin in the Babaloynia timelines, where spells were put on the money supply and the fractional reserve banking system was born.

Here the money changers started to lend out more money than they held in reserve and began the debt-based financial system that we see existing in the Federal Reserve today.  The worlds Financial System is the Lynchpin of the controller network that keeps humanity in enslavement.

In order to get from where we are to a free and sovereign system, we have two go through the experience of the crumbling of the old system, just as the new system is created and takes over.

What we are experiencing right now, is the crumbling of an old outdated system of money and Governance. While we are experiencing real human tragedy, illness, deaths,, fear, isolation, panic, and a break down in society.  These are all inevitable precursors to the purging of an old way of collectively living and being.

This first stage needs to happen if we are to rebuild into something better.  

The reality of the humanity’s motivation to rise up to something better can only happen out of struggle and pain.  When things are too comfortable we get stagnated in the status quo of being comfortably numb.  

Not enough people were striving for something radically different, because they were on automatic pilot accepting mediocrity and their lot in life because their life was not painful enough to change.

The collapsing of the various systems of health care, education, banking, finance and food will absolutely jolt people into some sort of collective DESIRE to want to create something different.

Perhaps this is the starting point of that growing desire in mainstream consciousness and more people to start to seriously question the Status quo of what we have collectively created.


What we are dealing with is a laboratory-created and enhanced bioweapon.  Both the energetics of the virus and some facts you will not find reported by the MSM point to this direction.

The only Level 4 microbiology lab that exists in China is the Wuhan Institute of Virology which is located in, you guessed it Wuhan.  This has been part of a planned release to both create maximum psychological and physical damage to the population.

However due to the amount of light anchored into grids and with the enormous of amounts of planetary architecture changes over the last two to three years.  The full potential of this virus has not been realized, and it is not going to create the significant number of deaths that the elite groups were hoping.

However from a higher perspective there has been incredible amounts of fear and fear harvesting that has been happening by off-planet intruder races who have helped orchestrate this.

One of the key parts of the virus has been the psychological trauma and fear that is so pervasive in the field now.  The truth of it is we live in a very different world now than what we dis just a few short months ago.  All of this fear is creating enormous pools of energy that is being siphoned off planet.

The key it to stay in the luminosity of your heart space, and know this too will pass with not nearly as much damage as controller forces were hoping for.

The truth of it we are in a psycho-spiritual war, and we have entered a Time-Line Trigger.  


During this time of enforced pause in normal life, it is important we all rethink closely our pulsation and flow through life and look at what the virus is here to teach us.

If you have ever contracted a virus you will recognise it usually happens in time of chronic stress.  It comes when your immune system is low, you are over tired, over worked and over stressed.  In these conditions the virus can enter your immune system and create havoc.

I should know I have had a few viruses over the last years, and every time it can be linked to these conditions. Each time the absolute best advice:  

Two weeks rest. 

Then of course during the usual extra vitamins and minerals to support your system, vitamin C, Vitamin D, and taking some oregano bombs (6 drops of oregano oil, with 6 drops of mallencula oil in a capsule)

Then finding a therapist who has the sound frequency devises that neutralize viruses.  

Yes, viruses are very easily destroyed using sound frequency.  In the last few days, I had a virus (NOT the coronavirus), due to the aforementioned conditions.  It was easily dealt with using sound frequency, sleep, and lots of vitamin C and D.

The fact that so many people are getting it tells us the chronic state of the immune system runs down in society.  We have created life conditions where most people are stressed, tired, burnt out, and have lowered immune systems.

The perfect conditions for any virus to create havoc. Let alone an engineered virus designed to create maximum havoc.

We all need to seriously look at HOW we are living life, learn to slow down, rest more, and appreciate spaciousness so we can all reset to a speed of life that will serve us all more.


From what I am sensing the Coronavirus is inorganic, meaning it has undergone some enhancements in lab.  It has been enhanced in a few ways to make it more effective at what it is doing.  It is designed to spread rapidly around the world which is exactly what it is doing.

From what I am seeing there will be two to three waves of the virus so this is the beginning of a time period where we will be in prolonged contraction, needing to hunker down and allow the wave to pass.

Those with weak and compromised immune systems are being affected the most, so it goes without saying to fortify your immune system at this time, which you should be doing anyway as good optimal health strategies.

There are a number of unusual coincidences around the virus, location, and timings of all of this.  There are more questions than answers, but you may wish to ponder the following when you are exploring all of this:

·         Why was a global simulation of a major virus outbreak in the world completed 6 weeks before this Coronavirus was announced? The virus they modeled - The Corona Virus

·         The Wuhoo area has one of the worlds highest security bio-labs where they test and make this sort of thing

·         How did a test for this specific virus get designed and deployed worldwide so quickly?  Usually these things take a long time.

·         Why did this virus get immediate collective buy in from the main stream media immediately all trumpeting in unison the same message.

·         Too me this looks a classic PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION scenario with the ultimate agenda forced adult vaccinations and tighter regulations of personal freedoms and civil liberties.

·         It will work for a while, however the human spirit is something that can never be contained.  What will ensure is a bursting of human creativity, and what we will experience is a renaissance of technological breakthroughs.

·         We will enter a high tech world where many of the problems facing humanity will be solved with technology that will be widely adopted circumventing Governments, central banks and central authorities who will grow increasingly redundant and worked around by distributed technology runs and designed by the people for the people.


Reading this article you most likely have some level of energetic intelligence.  This means you appreciate that things are created from energy before they exist physically.  They are formless before they become form.

We now sit in uncharted territory energetically, as we are living in an arena of the twin ray consciousness of unified masculine and feminine consciousness streaming into Earth.

While civilisations have risen and fallen.  All of them have been under the influence of either one of the feminine and masculine polarities.  We had the rise and fall of Lemuria with its feminine consciousness, and the rise and fall of Atlantis with its masculine consciousness.

We have had the rise and fall of ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia, Rome all on the stream of masculine consciousness.

The last few years the energetic winds of change have blown in a new breeze of unified masculine and feminine consciousness that is serving to rise the Divine Child in us all.

It is the first time in all of the known and unknown history that this balanced energy which is the form holding blueprint of all creation has existed.  While we are only in the early stages of the conception of this energy, it’s long lasting profound effects will slowly permeate into every living aspect of reality.

As conscious beings we are all living with the stream of this balanced masculine and feminine energy flowing through our holograms.  How we individually and collectively choose to utilise this, time will tell.

I am picking that for the first time this balance off masculine and feminine energy and a consciousness stream will bring forward balanced world solutions in the young people who are are on the forefront of world change through their professional creative endeavors.

We will have to develop the intellectual and spiritual maturity to be able to deal and program effectively Artificial Intelligence, however if coded correctly some components of AI has the ability to free large sections of society from linear repetitive tasks.

While the industrial revolution and robotics took many of the manual labour and blue collar jobs.  There is no question AI is going to replace many of the white-collar jobs.  We will be emerging from this decade with the working and professional landscape looking completely different than it does today.

This collective pause if the frantic nature of life can serve for us all to take a collective breath and contemplate our role in the coming decade. 


If you are living somewhere that is in lockdown already use this time as a physical, mental, emotional reset.  Use this time to relax, meditate, build and fortify your energy field and consciousness.

Start to map out a new way and new pace of living your life.  If you are not on your LIFE PATH, use this time to re-evaluate what you are doing in the world. Perhaps dive into study and research into how you can serve in the world in an area that will make your heart sing.

The world is going to look very different when we come out of this, how do you want your life to be different?  

How will you contribute with your creativity?

AI will replace many linear professional jobs, lawyers, accountants, real estate, doctors, engineers, system analysts, financial analysts, mortgage brokers, bankers are all going to get replaced.

Consciousness will reward creativity and this is what separates humanity from Artificial Intelligence.  Consciousness drives thought, and it is from consciousness that creativity emerges.

In the coming months and possibly years the coming suppression and restrictions of what we previously took as fundamental rights will drive an unparalleled reneissance, especially in technology and science.

New break throughs in the way we organise everything in our life will emerge, and they are already emerging.

In this period of introspection create a vision for the future in an area that you are inspired to contribute towards and go all out in your study and endeavours to study and develop the skills and wisdom to serve in this area.

Most importantly what are you going to put your energy towards for this coming decade.


It is important to adjust your thinking now to a world that is very different.

China’s manufacturing has been decimated. China is the epicentre of global manufacturing has now been decimated.  In the long term things will start turning to more local, we will all need to start adjusting our outlook on what we can easily obtain locally, and what is and is not available now in this new era of time.

I feel you need to be moving into a new way of thinking about how you are navigating in the world.  Everything is different, and your relationship to resources has changed.  This will not be a simple 2-6 week fix and everything will be back to normal.

We all need to orientate to be contributing to a more local economy, so we all need to step into being part of that solution as things become unstuck, and the various lockdowns start easing up in the months ahead.

The global supply chain has been comprised, so we need to start orientating ourselves into accessing more local suppliers and working withi our community.  Our consumable society will not be operating in the same way.  It is going to take several months to get things moving again.  This is a wonderful opportunity to change the way we are living life.

We are being asked to grow up quickly in our spiritual growth 


OK, some pragmatic steps in getting through the coming months, and how to come out ahead.


You will want to fortify your immune system, make sure you are taking enough immune system building supplements.  Vitamin C D, anti-oxidants, omega three and six primarily and Chaga mushroom powder as a daily tea.

If you get the virus then you will want to take Oregano essential oil in capsules you can take three times a day, and hopefully soon we will have the sound frequency to kill the virus immediately.  We need to test it on a few people first to get the right frequency.

I’ll email my list with a link to the sound frequency, so forward this to your friends where they can subscribe and receive my mails and link to sound healing frequency when we come up with it.


There is no question there is going to be some economic hardship for many people.  Take a moment to consider all the industries disrupted by the virus.  All tourism, hotels, airlines, Air BnBs,  tourist activities, retail, events, experiences will all go on hold.

The knock on effect and reality is millions of people will lose their jobs, this will affect renting, and mortgage payments and the ability to fund home life.  In response central banks of each country will be forced into economic rescue packages, that will include lowering interest rates, and printing money and handing this out.

This will create mass inflation in the longer term and ultimately make paper money inflate and in the longer term become worthless.  In the short term we will see and are seeing a movie into holding cash especially USD.

People are selling everything into cash at the moment.

Long term Gold, Silver will become more valuable and the new system of distributed ledger and blockchain technology will emerge with the solutions of the future as people trust less and less centralised money.

This will ultimately rise and replace the legacy system over this decade.


For those of you who have been aware some of the large number of sealed indictments, almost 150,000 of them.

CLICK HERE for sealed indictments

We may see many of these being executed, and rounded up.  If you ever wanted to round up some wealthy bad apples, locking down the world is a pretty good way of doing it.  Let's see if Trump follows through on what he was placed in the office for.  To drain the swamp.

Look out for any mass arrests, or news of celebrities and other various people who were involved in some of the darker elite and occult cabal practises.  One of things that will happen is when you see the media announcing high profile people who have the virus, this is most likely them taking a deal in return for their legacy in place.

It is possible that the recent 30,000 troop deployment in Europe and the extra 7000 UN troops may be there as part of mass elite clean up job. 

CLICK HERE for troop deployment intel.

I’ll be tracking this, it does seem a pretty good coincidence that the whole world is shut down, inducements and troops are in place.   This may be the moment that many of us have been waiting for and many of the bad actors in our grand global play are rounded up and arrested.

Perhaps it has started already with massive amounts of CEOs having resigned in the last couple of years.  Perhaps they know what is coming…

For now we have all got personal matters at hand in terms of hunkering down and prepping for a different world.


We are in a process of resetting many of the systems and infrastructure away from hierarchy and control systems.  Into more fair disturbed  systems of governance.

I’m excited because right now we are going through the change over that many of us have been waiting for, for long time.  While we may take some temporary pain and discomfort, I am sure you will agree it would be worth it if we can emerge as Free and Sovereign beings from a relatively short period of resting ourselves to be more in harmony  with not only nature but ourselves and each other.

Now we are home we are about to move out and start a new life in a new home, and it looks like the beginning of a New World


I am guided to doing more videos at this time to help with guidance and support at these challenging times.  There is much to come and share, I plan on getting my youtube going up once again something soon.



Interview with Cobra for the Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation March 2020

Interview with Cobra for the Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation March 2020


Here is the link to the transcript:




We Love Mass Meditation and International Golden Age Group had organized an interview with Cobra in order to raise the awareness of the Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation on April 5th at 2:45 AM UTC. In this interview, Cobra gave his view on the current planetary situation, the importance of this upcoming meditation and how people can prepare for the Event. Special thanks to the International

Большая цель того, что происходит

Большая цель того, что происходит




Mar 29, 2020 at 1:42 pm


Дорогие мои, многие люди спрашивают: "Есть ли большая цель у того, что происходит с коронавирусом?" Ответ - да, и общество Небес подтверждает, что Присутствие каждого человека "Я ЕСМЬ" осознает эту цель. Теперь настало время для всех нас осознать эту великую цель на более сознательном уровне, чтобы мы могли участвовать в со-настройке с высшим благом для всех заинтересованных сторон. Знайте, прежде всего, что главная цель коронавируса - не убивать миллионы людей с мучительной болезнью. Пожалуйста, войдите внутрь и прочитайте информацию, которая дается нам обществом небес через Пламя просветленной истины, пульсирующее в вашем сердце.

Помните, что с рождением этого нового десятилетия, 2020 года, наш Отец-Мать Бог и компания небес показали, что в течение следующих 10 лет человечество изменит ход истории для Матери-Земли и всей ее жизни. Они сказали, что человечество разовьет скрытые способности, благодаря которым мы буквально преобразим наши земные тела и наш жизненный опыт внешнего мира в сердечные образцы совершенства, связанные с 5-й стадией жизни 5D Новой Земли. Это, казалось бы, чудесное преображение будет совершено через значительно расширенное сотрудничество между обществом Небес и пробужденным человечеством. Наш Отец-Мать Бог сказал, что такая степень сотрудничества между Небом и Землей никогда прежде не предпринималась.

Мать-Земля и вся эволюционирующая на ней жизнь теперь полностью вошли в 5D кристаллическое поле Новой Земли. Общество Небес признало, что первоначально эта информация будет трудна для нас, чтобы постичь ее нашим конечным умом. Они сказали, что поскольку мы ощутимо переживаем эту истину, однако через различные действия Света, которые будут происходить месяц за месяцем в 2020 году, мы докажем себе пословицу: “ Познай истину, и Истина освободит тебя.”

Компания небес заявила, что с исцелением ран от “порабощения кодексов человечества”, Человечество в массе своей достигло критической частоты вибрации, которая создала безвозвратный сдвиг сознания. Этот сдвиг не произошел вне нас. Это очень клеточная трансформация, которая теперь происходит в ядре чистоты в каждом Электроне наших земных тел. Этот сдвиг создал священное пространство для Присутствия "Я ЕСМЬ" каждого человека, чтобы, наконец, освободить кармический шаблон рождения, который был закодирован в нашей ДНК нашим фрагментированным и основанным на страхе человеческим эго после нашего "падения".

Чтобы понять величину того, что это означает для каждого из нас, компания небес сказала, что кармические коды в ДНК грубо мутированного шаблона рождения человечества содержат искаженные структуры старения, болезней, умственных и эмоциональных дисфункций и даже смерти, как мы переживали это в течение эонов времени. У нашего Отца-Матери Бога никогда не было Божественного намерения, чтобы дочери и сыновья Бога пережили эти болезненные испытания в наших земных телах.

Теперь, впервые с момента нашего падения, наше присутствие "Я есмь" и элементал нашего тела способны продолжать Божественную алхимию, происходящую в наших земных телах без помех со стороны этих устаревших кармических кодов и нашей грубо мутированной формы рождения .

Как только эти непостижимые сдвиги были победоносно совершены Богом через Присутствие Я ЕСМЬ каждого человека на Земле, Свет Бога, который пульсирует с непорочной концепцией 5D кристаллических солнечных световых тел человечества, начал течь в ядро чистоты в каждом Электроне земных тел человечества. Теперь этот огромный приток Cвета выталкивает все, что противоречит совершенству земных тел человечества на поверхность, чтобы исцелиться и снова преобразовать в Cвет. Часть этого очищения проявляется в виде коронавируса.

Люди повсюду вынуждены прекратить то, что они делают. Их просят сделать глубокий осознанный вдох и остаться дома со своими близкими. Это позволяет Присутствию "Я ЕСМЬ" каждого человека и его основам 5D тела интегрировать мощные изменения, которые мы пережили в течение последних нескольких месяцев. Это поможет подготовить нас на клеточном уровне к преображению на основе сердца, которое мы сотворим для человечества, изначального царства и Матери-Земли в течение этого нового десятилетия.

Помните, что "мы те, кого мы ждали”, и наше время близко!

Да благословит вас Бог,
Патрисия Кота-Роблес
Источник: www.eraofpeace.org
Сейчас самое подходящее время для работы над собой, удаления устаревших программ и изменения нашей вибрации, потому что мы нужны, как никогда раньше!

За всем происходящим таится скрытое благословение, чтобы мы могли выполнять свою внутреннюю работу, поэтому в течение недели с 29 по 5 апреля включительно действует скидка 30% на инструменты "Я ЕСМЬ", а именно:

• АКТИВАЦИЯ Могущественного ПРИСУТСТВИЯ Я ЕСМЬ: https://istochnik.one/product/aktivacija-mogushhestve..

• КОМПЛЕКТ №2: https://istochnik.one/product/komplekt-2/

Надеюсь, что работа с этими энергетическими инструментами поможет вам удерживать себя в высоких вибрациях в это время и направит к созданию совершенно новой реальности!

pirmdiena, 2020. gada 30. marts

Вирусолог: Проблема не в коронавирусе, а в общей системе здравоохранения и образования

Вирусолог: Проблема не в коронавирусе, а в общей системе здравоохранения и образования


5.aprīlis 5:45 Latvija - FOR 1 MILLION MEDITATORS



An open letter and cosmic invitation to spiritual leaders and influencers around the globe
(links and instructions within content of letter, so please read in its entirety)

On April 4, 2020 a tremendous Astrological Portal will open, through which humanity must UNITE AS ONE MIND, ONE CONSCIOUSNESS and by so doing take great strides in reclaiming our independence from the financial debt slave system instituted 700 years ago, dissolve the old world structures, erase the coronavirus and the fear surrounding it and end the 5G network and its deadly radiation (likely a major factor in what happened in Wuhan, China with reports now surfacing that as many as 3 million people may have died from radiation poisoning in that province).

The power that we will have at our disposal on APRIL 4th is truly Astronomical in the most literal sense when the planets of Jupiter and Pluto come together in the sky that day!

We intend to harness this powerful astrological alignment and creative a massive SHIFT for humanity in the most positive and harmonious direction possible, but this will require MASS PARTICIPATION and a joining of Hearts and Minds with singular focus and intention on a level that has not yet been reached on planet Earth!!!

With all of this global chaos swirling around us, it is imperative that we the true Bearers of Light come together in a Global Meditation on April 4th and with profound heartfelt love Unite As One Million Points of Light who will anchor in the energies of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Freedom, Healing and the most positive Ascension Timeline imaginable!

No doubt most, if not all, who read this letter already believe in and promote the power of meditation as a tool for spiritual growth, healing and manifestation and that is commendable.

You are now being asked to expand that power by reaching out to all who follow your social media pages and read your books or blogs and communicate that MASS MEDITATIONS on a GLOBAL SCALE need to become a Top Priority, beginning with the powerful Astrological Ascension Portal that will open April 4, 2020 when an unprecedented wave of light (5D gamma waves) will flood our planet.

There are Legions of Light Beings that have entered our galaxy at this time to assist us in our ascension and help direct this high dimensional light our way on that momentous day.

Whatever your personal view or belief about ascension/evolution might be at this juncture, we can all agree that it is beyond time for us to advance our consciousness as a collective for the upliftment and healing of all beings on Earth. The best possible way to do this is with MASS MEDITATION! The greater the numbers the grander the results!!

We must harness our power collectively and come together in much larger numbers to meditate, more often, and especially on key strategic dates and times with a singular focus. This is the ONLY WAY we are going to evolve or ascend as a society and put an end to all this madness!


For us to be successful in this endeavor, we must set aside our perceived differences, viewpoints, opinions, judgments of others or what we may or may not like about their personalities, and especially not allow certain words or phrases to “trigger” us in a negative way and prevent us from coming together, as these types of separations and divisions are what have been holding us back as a planet for so long!

From this moment on, let us dispense with persons and personalities, names and labels, egos and personal agendas. Let us unite and focus solely on the end goal – TO END THE SUFFERING.

Following are the links and instructions to join the meditation, but we urge you to read the rest of this letter so that you can see why this Global Meditation is so important and for the proper stage to be set. We need to explain the meaning and true intention behind the words being used so no one misinterprets the information and fails to participate as a result. We need each and every one of you participating to ensure we have ONE MILLION ACTIVE MEDITATORS on April 4th!!!

Please forward this letter to everyone in your sphere of influence to quickly spread the word far and wide around the globe! This information must be dispersed quickly so groups and individuals can begin making their plans to participate.


A Mass Meditation called “Ascension Timeline Meditation” is being organized for April 4, 2020 at exactly 10:45 pm EST (eastern standard time U.S.) for 20 minutes and we need you to help us mobilize the greatest army of meditators this world has ever seen!



Together we will create MIRACLES by joining together as One Mind, One Heart at the precise moment of the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction which is 10:45 pm April 4th Eastern Standard Time (New York, United States), to anchor in these high vibrational energies and direct them using our Laser Focused Group Intention on the Liberation and Healing of humanity!

Europe, Asia and Australia will already have April 5th at the moment of the activation, which will be:

3:45 am BST in London,
4:45 am CEST in Paris,
4:45 am EET in Cairo,
10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing,
11:45 am JST in Tokyo and
12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.


You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone by clicking here:
Time Conversion Table

So that our visualizations and intentions are cohesive, all meditators will be using the following instructions during the meditation (there is also a wealth of information on this blog concerning mankind’s true history and what is being done on a galactic level to assist humanity):


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift the
planet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool to completely
remove the coronavirus.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining coronavirus on Earth, disinfecting all infected areas on the planet, healing all patients, removing all fear associated with this epidemic and restoring stability.

5. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, shifting away from all epidemics, away from all wars, away from all global domination. Visualize white, pink, blue and golden Light healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Please encourage everyone in your groups to print out, write down or copy these instructions and save to a computer document ahead of time so that if they are unable to access the guided audio/video or lose internet connection they can still participate right on time as one
cohesive unit.

Let’s DO THIS regardless of what time of day it falls in your time zone. It’s only 20 MINUTES that can change the entire Destiny of Our Planet!

The power for radical change and timeline shifts lies within us but it must be executed in force as a collective.

Ascension Timeline/End of Coronavirus Meditation April 4th/5th 2020 (VIDEO)

Here is what is currently playing out on the world scene…

On the premise of the “threat” of the coronavirus, cities, provinces, and now entire countries are being locked down, borders are being closed, travel is being restricted or banned, schools and universities have been shut down, major events have been cancelled and tourist attractions temporarily closed and the National Guard has been deployed to an area north of Manhattan (New York) where even visits to elderly family members in nursing homes have been banned and there is talk of martial law being enforced soon in the U.S. The airline industry is already predicting it will lose $1.5 Billion this year due to global fears and travel restrictions.

These events are unprecedented, and it is time to take MASSIVE ACTION to restore order in our world and reinstate our freedom!

The good news is that the Light Forces currently assisting humanity have already initiated protocols to ease and eventually eliminate these threats but they need our help to accelerate the process.

2020 is a power packed astrological year that will lead us into the much anticipated Age of Aquarius. Astrologers worldwide have predicted 2020 will be a “defining year of the destiny of humanity”, a “tipping point” and a “major redistribution of power.”

This is largely because of the unprecedented astrological alignments including the extremely powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction beginning April 4th and the triple Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction to follow, which last occurred 700 years ago when the Templars created their prosperous debt-based financial and banking system which has led to the greatest enslavement of humankind and untold suffering. It is time to reverse all of that collateral damage and restore Abundance to all of our fellow humans!

The corrupt elite and dark forces never cease in furthering their dark agendas, which is evidenced by the recent global coronavirus scare / potential false flag to mask their 5G weaponry and attempt at mandating bio-chipping vaccines and the further enslavement and eradication of mankind.

We must be just as vigilant in our strategic efforts to completely counteract their unceasing attacks against humanity by spreading the word far and wide about this crucial Global Meditation on April 4th and finally break FREE from their False 3D Matrix and begin creating the 5th Dimensional World fueled by the Golden Age where Love, Freedom, Abundance, Peace and Perfect Health reign supreme!


Thoughts are packets of energy and when fueled by emotions, in this case LOVE, they have the power to manifest and create anything desired. When we meditate as a large group of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions, we create a Laser Like Energy Beam that in mere moments can cut through and dissolve stubborn structures (like the corrupt banking and corporate systems) that have been in place for hundreds or thousands of years!!!

Yes we can actually collapse timeframes and alter the future if enough of us meditate at exactly the same moment! The power we hold collectively is unfathomable!!

The minimum to reach critical mass and effect change on the planet is 144,000 meditators at a single moment in time focusing on the same outcome.

But for what we wish to accomplish, we need many more than that which is why we are aiming for at least ONE MILLION MEDITATORS ON APRIL 4TH! We are counting on each of you to make this happen!!

Some of you may know that in 1987 the Harmonic Convergence occurred where the goal was to amass large groups around the globe at sacred sites including Mt. Shasta, Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids for a total of 144,000 meditators. This event did have a major impact on human consciousness.

But that was more than 30 years ago. The world situation has degenerated far worse than any of us could have imagined. So much greater effort is needed now.

Let’s shatter that record and come together on April 4th as ONE MILLION POINTS OF LIGHT and Quantum Leap to the BEST Timeline we can imagine for all of humanity!

The new year will officially begin on the Equinox on March 19 in accordance with the natural cycles of time and the energies will build until April 4th when the greater energetic portal opens. We express heartfelt gratitude for your willingness to join us and spread the word about this Global Meditation on April 4th far and wide. Our future depends on it!

We will keep you informed of upcoming Global Meditations that will be held on other key dates as the year progresses. You can also bookmark this website and join their mailing list for many other Mass Meditations being held including one on Spring Equinox March 19th, 2020:



Let us use it to its fullest potential!!

The Voice for the Liberation and Ascension of Humanity to 5D Earth

Please use social icons or copy a link to this page to share on social media and invite your friends to join us in this daily meditation.

Together we can make this information viral and create a huge positive impact!